
Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA)


  • Orientation

    The Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) provides FREE 30-hours of Orientation DHS approved training to child care staff and administrators.

    TECTA Orientation is an academic gateway with a curriculum centered on professional core competencies. Research shows that quality early childhood education plays an important role in preparing children to enter school ready to learn. The key to quality programs is the preparation of personnel with whom young children spend a significant portion of their time.

    Participation is free to anyone employed in a DHS or DOE licensed program. Certificates of Completion are awarded to those who complete the Orientation training.

    Note: Anyone who would like to receive TECTA funding must complete an orientation first.

    Participants may choose from the orientation specializations below:

    When enrolling, please choose the Orientation that best fits your role in childcare.

    • Administrator - Designed for directors, assistant directors, owners, program coordinators and other administrative staff
    • Center-Based - Designed for early childhood professionals working with children ages 3 to 5 in child care centers
    • Family Child Care - Designed for early childhood professionals working with children in a family or group home child care
    • Infant/Toddler - Designed for early childhood professionals working with children ages birth to 2 years in child care center
    • School-Age - Designed for early childhood professionals working with school-aged children in child care centers

    The following orientations are open to childcare providers who have previously completed a TECTA orientation and/or have completed at least three hours of academic coursework.  A transcript may be requested at the time or registration.

    • ACES Orientation ( Building Strong Brains) - Designed for early childhood professionals who have previously completed a TECTA orientation and /or successfully completed 2+hours academic coursework. In this advanced orientation you will learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences and how it relates to brain development, toxic stress, and physical/mental health. 
    • Literacy30: Books and Beyond Online Workshop- Self-Guided - Designed for early childhood professionals who have previously completed a TECTA orientation and /or successfully completed 2+hours academic coursework. In this online Orientation participants explore ways to enhance and increase literacy development. 

    Note: You are allowed to miss two classes/modules of the orientation you are enrolled in. However, to receive your completion certificate, you must complete those two classes/modules within 18 months of attending the enrolled class.          


  • ECE Careers I & II Equivalency

    What does it mean?

    As a high school student you have your choice of electives. The Early Childhood Education Careers elective has two components: ECEC I and II. If you choose this elective and complete both of these courses with a grade of ‘B’ or above then you are eligible to receive a certificate from TECTA that confirms that you also meet the standards of the TECTA Center-Based Orientation class.
    Normally individuals must complete the 30-hour Orientation class while working in a licensed child care program to receive their TECTA Certificate of Completion. But, because the ECE Careers classes contain an amount of information and training equivalent to the Center-Based Orientation class you qualify to receive a TECTA Certificate of Completion after completing ECEC I and II with a ‘B’ or above. This means that you are eligible for tuition support from TECTA for college coursework in the field of Early Childhood Education beginning your first year of college at any of the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) community colleges and universities.
    To apply send a completed TECTA Center-Based Orientation/ECE Careers I & II Application with a copy of your high school transcript to:

    Attn: Caitlin Williams 
    Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance 
    Tennessee State University 
    3500 John A. Merritt Blvd, Box 9500 
    Nashville, TN 37209 
    Fax: 615-277-1686 

    Click on the link to download the HSE Application .

  • Online Training

    Tennessee Child Care Online Training System powered by ProSolutions

    The Tennessee Child Care Online Training System (TCCOTS) is an online learning platform where early educators can access free approved training at their own convenience. Educators can select training modules that align with their specific interests, needs, and areas for improvement, ensuring that their professional development journey is tailored to their unique goals.

    TCCOTS is available to all educators working in licensed programs and offers a diverse range of training modules that cover various aspects of early childhood education, from child development and curriculum planning to health and safety practices. Educators can enhance their skills, gain new insights, and stay updated with the latest best practices in the field.

    The Tennessee Child Care Online Training System, or TCCOTS, is a learning portal is designed by early childhood professionals that combines high-quality content with the convenience of an online training program. Online training is a strategic and invaluable step for child care providers seeking to elevate the quality of their care, expand their skill set, and create a nurturing and enriching environment for the children they serve.

    TCCOTS Courses
    TCCOTS offers over 60 free courses on everything from approaches to promote children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development to child care program administration. There’s no limit to the number of training courses you can complete. All courses are also available in Spanish. TCCOTS is managed by ProSolutions. To browse the training catalog or to get started, register for training by creating a ProSolutions account at

    Certificates for Training 
    Certificates for Training are issued after successfully completing each module. These certificates are recognized by the Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) as training hours for all staff employed in licensed child care facilities.

    Tennessee Early Learning Development Standards Training

    The Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards (TN-ELDS) is an online training which is designed to provide an introduction to and exploration of the TN-ELDS in order to meet the TN Department of Human Services required training on developmental learning for infants, toddlers, and pre-school age children.
    To access the TN-ELDS e-learning portal, visit TN Home - ProSolutions Training. Certificates for Training are issued after successfully completing each module. These certificates are recognized by the Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) as training hours for all staff employed in licensed child care facilities

  • TECTA Apprenticeship Program

    The TECTA Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program (TECAP) is a career pathway as defined by the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) and is designed to increase education and training opportunities for the current and emerging child care workforce.

    The TECTA Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program is a paid registered apprenticeship program for individuals interested in a career in child care.

    Early childhood employers and care providers grapple with a multitude of challenges that significantly impact their ability to deliver exceptional education and nurturing care to young children. One of the most recognizable challenges is the recruitment and retention of highly trained and dedicated staff members. This issue impacts the entire workforce, causing disruptions in program quality, continuity of care, and the overall well-being of children in care.

    Investing in the Early Childhood Workforce
    The TECTA Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program, or TECAP, is an innovative program that aims to expand the child care workforce by creating a structured apprenticeship that emphasizes hands-on training, education, and professional development. Despite the ever-changing landscape of work, the child care industry remains an essential onsite service that is crucial for families, employers, and communities. The apprenticeship presents a unique opportunity to bolster the child care workforce by elevating the quality of care provided and providing supplemental pay for staff, two key objectives that are critical for the success of childcare programs.

    Become a Registered Apprentice
    Child care programs are looking for individuals who have a passion for working with children and have the early childhood competencies that are important for a business focused on promoting the healthy development of children. Apprentices can be employed while attending college courses to boost early education competencies and completing the requirements for a Child Development Associate® (CDA) Credential.

    Eligible apprentices are individuals who are 18 years of age or older, are capable of passing a background check, and demonstrate a strong commitment to a 3-year apprenticeship. They are also willing and fully capable of meeting all relevant licensing and employer requirements, ensuring a dedicated and responsible approach to their role in the program.

    How the Program Works: 3-Year Enrollment

    Year 1
    •Enrollment in TECTA orientation
    •Completion of apprenticeship orientation
    •Assigned a mentor and a coach
    •Begin CDA prep college courses

    Year 2
    •Lead activities in the classroom
    •Continue working with mentor and coach
    •Continue college courses
    •Complete year-end evaluation and assessment

    Year 3
    •Working as a full-time educator
    •Complete CDA prep college courses and earn the credential
    •Prepare a professional development plan for continued education

    Mentor a Registered Apprentice
    Tennessee child care programs licensed by the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) that are willing to meet the Registered Apprenticeship Program requirements are eligible to participate. Each apprentice is assigned an experienced mentor teacher who has the same or higher certification/degree. The mentor must complete training, meet with the apprentice for an hour each week, attend coaching meetings, document the apprentice’s progress, and serve as a role model to help connect theory to practice on the job.

    TECAP Specialist

    If you would like more information at our local office contact : Sally Draper@ 931-372.6558 or 

  • Academic Support

    The Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance can help you move toward completing an Early Childhood Degree.  Financial support is made possible through funding from the Tennessee Department of Human Services to Tennessee State University for the operation of the Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance ( TECTA) Program.

    Academic Support


TECTA statewide office

This project is funded through a contract with The Tennessee Department of Human Services and Tennessee State University, Center of Excellence for Learning Sciences.

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