Biology - Make a Gift

Make a Gift to the Biology Department

Here in the Biology Department, we would like our students to get involved in the actual practice of biology, so they can see what being a biologist means outside of the classroom! They can do this in a variety of ways, such as  conducting research with a faculty member, participating in field courses, attending scientific meetings, or getting outside the classroom on class field excursions. If you would like to contribute to help us support any of these activities, your generosity would be greatly appreciated! We have several different funding options for you to choose from; some focus on a particular area of need, while others can be used more broadly. We also have several scholarships which help support upper-level (juniors and seniors) in our department. Thank you for your support!

Please consider a gift to the Biology Department or one of the specific funds listed below. If you wish to donate to Biology, please visit our donation form and select "Biology Department" from the dropdown menu. If you prefer to donate to a specific fund, please select "Other" from the dropdown menu and enter the name of the fund.
Your gifts are truly appreciated!

Biology Gift Fund is an all-purpose funding resource for any of the activities mentioned above, as well as for the occasional equipment purchase.

Dr. and Mrs. Lester Dudney Biology Endowment is another general-purpose fund, which we have used to fund course field trips as well as field courses within the United States, Central America, and South America.

F. J. Goolsby Environmental Endowment helps fund both student research and instruction related to environmental conservation.

George A. Dailey and Nancy Staats Dailey Biology Research Endowment helps fund student and faculty travel for research.

Don Estes Biology Program Enrichment Endowment supports a variety of student activities, including research and attendance at meetings. It focuses on traditionally underserved groups, including minority students and women.

Bartoo Memorial Endowment provides scholarship assistance to a senior Biology major.

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