Biology - Staff



Academic Support Staff


Heather Ferrell, MSc., Assistant Laboratory Coordinator

Pennebaker Hall (PENN) 300B

defaultBetty F. Harris, Administrative Associate 3

Tennessee Cooperative Fishery Research Unit
Pennebaker Hall (PENN) 205

defaultSherry Harris-Brown, Financial Associate 3

Pennebaker Hall (PENN) 207

Aubree HillAubree Hill, Ph.D., Assistant Laboratory Coordinator

Pennebaker Hall (PENN) 306B

defaultEmily Nash, Administrative Associate 3

Pennebaker Hall (PENN) 207C

JVentriceJames Ventrice, MSc., Assistant Laboratory Coordinator

LSC 2118


Research Staff

Dongya GaoDongya Gao, Research Scientist


Jennifer CudleJennifer Caudle, Research Specialist

My research focuses on monitoring invasive Silver Carp and Bighead Carp (collectively called bigheaded carp) in the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, assessing population characteristics and movement through locks and dams.  Data are collected with active and passive gear, as well as, acoustic telemetry for characterizing bigheaded carp populations and tracking the leading edge of invasion.  The information collected will aid in barrier placement and deterrent strategies to prevent further spread throughout the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers.

  • B.S., Animal Science, North Carolina State University
  • B.S., Wildlife and Fisheries, Tennessee Tech University
  • M.S., Biology; Tennessee Tech University

Andrew AlthoffAndrew Althoff, Research Associate

My research focus is movements and dam passage of invasive carps in the Tennessee and Cumberland River systems.  The goal of this research is to better understand movement behaviors of these species to employ deterrent strategies to reduce the spread of these fish throughout the rivers.  This will help curb negative ecological and economic impacts of these species.

  • B.S., Biology, McKendree University
  • M.S., Fisheries, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff


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