Why Study Chemistry?
Chemistry is the central science, and a background in chemistry can lead to a multitude
of careers. Many careers are things you may not have thought of before now. For example,
who do you think makes toothpaste a paste? Who makes slow-release fertilizer to be
slow release? A formulations chemist, that's who! Chemists are at the center of just
about everything - and that's why chemistry is called the central science. A degree
in chemistry also prepares you for a large number of graduate programs in the chemical
or closely-related sciences. Most students at Tennessee Tech earning degrees in chemistry
typically go on to MS or PhD graduate programs or professional schools. However, you
don't have to go to graduate school to begin a career as a chemist. The American Chemical Society has many excellent articles that demonstrate the breadth of careers undertaken by
chemists and the impacts they have on humanity. Explore this website and see for yourself
how many awesome possibilities a background in chemistry may have for you.
What careers can I have in chemistry?
A chemistry degree can lead to a career in many different fields. Here are just a few examples of types of industries which hire chemistry majors:
- agrochemicals
- metallurgical
- petrochemicals
- pharmaceuticals
- plastics and polymers
- toiletries and cosmetics
A few examples of jobs for chemistry majors are:
- Middle school/High school teacher
- Pharmacologist
- Nanotechnologist
- Biotechnologist
- Research scientist
- Environmental consultant
- Forensic scientist
- Lab technician
- Quality control
- Professor of chemistry
- Agricultural and Food Science Technician
For more examples, please visit the American Chemical Society website.
Why study chemistry at Tennessee Tech?
Tennessee Tech Chemistry involves more undergraduates in research than any other school
in Tennessee – plus, more than most in the Southeastern United States. You can join
a research lab as early as your Freshman year. It’s hard to beat experience, and experience
is what you’ll get at Tennessee Tech. In addition, students conducting research typically
present the results of their research at local, regional and national meetings each
year. We generally have one of the largest groups attending the National American
Chemical Society Meeting each year as well. For many years in a row now, our ACS Student
Member Chapter has been ranked in the top 10% nationally, being recognized at the
“Outstanding” level. With twenty-three faculty in the department, students have a
wide array of research to select from, and we start each fall semester with a Research
Mini-Symposia where you can watch 10-minute presentations by faculty in each of these
research areas. This is their invitation to you to get involved.
After students complete general chemistry, our class sizes are well suited for the
personal experience you expect in college (15-35 students per class), and you have
the opportunity here to get to know your professors well.
For those interested in the interface between chemistry and biology (biochemistry
and molecular biology), we have five faculty in that area as well as an active American
Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Chapter Club. Students travel
to that national meeting each year, as well.