Women & Gender Studies - Upcoming Classes

Introduction to Women and Gender Studies


Our Core Class: WGS 2010

This is the central class for the minor. It introduces this interdisciplinary field and it's required of all students.  Using a wide range of theories, concepts, and research methods, the class broadly explores how gender informs social categories, personal and collective identities, and systems of power. This class approaches assigned topics through an intersectional approach. This means that it carefully considers how gender intersects with race, class, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, and other social identities that shape patterns of inequality around the world. The class gives special attention to people who identify as women and girls, emphasizing how their lived experiences are structured by gender and gender practices.

Offered each fall.

Headshot of Joshua Martin

Joshua Martin, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Spanish
Department of Foreign Languages

Dr. Joshua D. Martin holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies from the University of Kentucky and specializes in the literature and cultures of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. He uses sociological approach to research and teach in masculinity studies. He teaches all levels of Spanish at TTU.

Contact Dr. Martin:
(931) 372-3771
Henderson Hall 002B



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