Caregiving Center - Courses

Caregiving Courses

Train to Be a Better Caregiver or Respite Care Provider.

Caregiving Certificate Image

The College of Interdisciplinary Studies offers a variety of courses in caregiving. The courses are 7 weeks long one night a week at CHEC. Please encourage students with an interest in Caregiving to register. The courses can be excellent electives for Nursing, Sociology, Psychology, Human Ecology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Exercise Science, and many others. The courses are available for working professionals through CEUs and Professional Development Credit with potential funding from Workforce Development.

Complete training to become a better, more effective caregiver or respite care provider.

More than 65 million people, 29% of the U.S. population, provide care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend during any given year and spend an average of 20 hours per week providing care for their loved one. Unfortunately, most of those providing care have no professional training or guidance in the area of caregiving. Nearly three quarters of family caregivers report not going to the doctor as often as they should and 55% say they skip doctor appointments altogether. 58% indicate they do not take care of themselves as well as they did before becoming caregivers.

The courses will be foundational components of a soon to be created Caregiving emphasis area. The courses will cover issues related to care, safety, nutrition, insurance, legal, finances, respite, stress, resource availability, and other important caregiving concepts.

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Caregiving Courses

15 Hours Required (12 Hours must be Upper Division 3000/4000)

LIST 3600 3 credits Concepts of Caregiving: Role of the caregiver in a diverse and challenging environment
LIST 3610 3 credits Home Safety and Equipment Use of Caregiving
LIST 3620 3 credits Substance Abuse and Caregiving
LIST 4600 3 hours Advanced Caregiving: Advanced understanding of the professional and non-professional caregiver
RELS 3600 3 credits Religious Perspectives: Aging and End of Life
HEC 2065 3 credits Families in Society
HEC 3565 3 credits End of Life Applications for Children and Families
HEC 3100 3 credits Cultural Competence for Professionals
HEC 4610 3 credits Families/Normative and Catastrophic Issues