School of Environmental Studies - Environmental & Sustainability Studies Minors

Minors in Environmental & Sustainability Studies

Graduating students in majors across campus attain employment with various organizations, ranging from government agencies to nonprofit organizations, and private sector organizations, many of which are related to sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the environment. These minors will prepare students for environmentally knowledgeable roles in these agencies and organizations. Students will be provided with a broad range of curriculum and hands-on experience and along with their major course of study, will leave the minor with the skills, knowledge, and abilities to prepare for and perform successfully in professional roles and responsibilities in a range of and sustainability and environmentally related positions and organizations.

Due to Tech Policy 260, these minors will not be available to students majoring in B.S. Environmental and Sustainability Studies degree program.  However, the minors will be available to students from other departments across campus.


Environmental Sustainability (15 hours)

Environmental & Sustainability Studies Minors Flyer

Required Courses (6 hours)

  • ESS 1100 Introduction to Environmental Studies (3)
  • ESS 3100 Global Sustainability (3)

Directed Electives (9 hours)

Society and the Environment - choose one of the following:

  • AGBE 2010 World Food and Society (3)
  • AGHE 4600 Global Food Systems: Sustainability and Insecurity (3)
  • ESS 2100 Environment and Ethics (3)
  • HEC 4315 Global Social Responsibility (3)
  • SOC 3600 Environmental Sociology (3)

Economics, Policy, and Law - choose one of the following:

  • AGBE/ECON 4120 Natural Resource Economics (3)
  • ECON 4200 Environmental Economics (3)
  • ESS 3000 Introduction to Environmental Law (3)
  • ESS 3200 Nonprofit Organizations and the Environment (3)
  • ESS 4300 Environmental Management Systems

Environmental Science and Technology - choose one of the following:

  • AGRN 3300 Organic Farming (3)
  • CEE 3413 Environmental Engineering (3)
  • CHE 4550 Green Engineering (3)
  • ESS 3710 Chemistry and the Environment (3)
  • GEOG/GEOL 3200 Water Resources (3)
  • WFS 4730 Conservation Biology (3)


Natural Resources (15 hours)

Required Courses (6 hours)

  • ESS 1100 Introduction to Environmental Studies (3)
  • ESS 4110 Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (3)

Directed Electives (9 hours)

Soil, Water, and Air Protection - choose one of the following:

  • AGRN 3000 Soils (3)
  • GEOL/GEOG 3200 Water Resources (3)
  • ESS 3710 Chemistry and the Environment (3)
  • CHEM 4710 Environmental Chemistry (3)

Biotic Conservation - choose one of the following:

  • WFS 4730 Conservation Biology (3)
  • WFS 4770 Non-game Species Management (3)
  • WFS 4711 Fisheries Management (3)

Policy and Technology - choose one of the following:

  • AGBE/ECON 4120 Natural Resource Economics (3)
  • AGET 3110 and AGET 3115 Natural Resource Systems and Laboratory (3)
  • GEOG 4510 Theory of GIS I (3)
  • WFS 4500 National Wildlife Policy (3)


Parks and Protected Areas (15 hours)

Required Courses (9 hours)

  • ESS 1100 Introduction to Environmental Studies (3)
  • ESS 4100 National Parks and Protected Public Lands (3)
  • ESS 4110 Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (3)

Directed Electives (6 hours)

Human Dimensions - choose one of the following:

  • ESS 2100 Environment and Ethics (3)
  • ESS 3200 Nonprofit Organizations and the Environment (3)
  • HIST 3900 Environmental History (3)
  • SOC 3600 Environmental Sociology (3)

Management and Protection - choose one of the following:

  • WFS 3500 Wildlife Law Enforcement (3)
  • WFS 4730 Conservation Biology (3)
  • WFS 4770 Non-game Species Management (3)


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