Turnitin Instructor Resources


Educator Resources

If you use iLearn, you can just go into the system and when you setup an Assignment folder, you can select the check box option under Originality Check to Enable for this folder. By doing this through iLearn, it will automatically setup an account for you in Turnitin.
NOTE: Assignments added this way will not be visible to your account if you directly login to turnitin.com.
If you are already using iLearn, this is the preferred usage.

Make sure to view the settings options available in Turnitin. (These are also outlined in the video about Creating an Assignment below.) Sometimes you might want to have a document check against the Turnitin repositories, but you don't want the paper submitted to them. For example: you are requiring a draft prior to a final paper or there is some IP associated with the document.

If you choose to go through turnitin.com, you will need to complete the request form needed for creating a Tennessee Tech instructor account. Once the request is processed, you will receive an email with the invitation to join the Tennessee Tech Turnitin license. This option is not necessary if you are currently using iLearn.

Interested in how other higher education institutions are using Turnitin? View the success stories.

Additional Assistance 

Please contact the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning at citl@tntech.edu or call x3675.