Intellectual Property Advisory Committee

Intellectual Property Advisory Committee


In concert with the University Policy on Patents and Copyrights and Guidelines for Implementation, the function of the Advisory Committee on Patents and Copyrights is to advise and assist the President in all matters involving patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Among its basic responsibilities in carrying out its purpose, the committee: 

a. Has the responsibility for implementing the University Policy on Patents and Copyrights and its Guidelines for Implementation. 
b. Recommends changes to the University Policy on Patents and Copyrights and its Guidelines for Implementation. 
c. Receives disclosures of inventions and copyrightable materials from faculty, staff, and students. 
d. Recommends whether or not the University should pursue an invention for Letters of Patent or to waive and assign rights to the inventor(s). 
e. Recommends whether or not the University should register copyrightable materials or waive and assign rights to the author. 
f. Recommends the percentage of income sharing with an inventor or an author. 
g. Recommends whether or not inventions and copyrightable material(s) should be marketed.


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