Fire evacuation plans are posted in each room. Fire drills are practiced every month
with the date, time, number present, and evacuation time recorded. An evacuation crib(s)
is located in/near the entrance of the infant room and used to evacuate infants and
non-ambulatory children. The building has a fire alarm/sprinkler system, which is
tested and maintained by the University.
Tornado drills are practiced periodically with regular drills throughout February-June.
Children are evacuated to the approved Severe Weather Shelter Area.
Hall office doors are closed, fire doors are closed and a “heads down” position is
practiced. A battery-powered radio is kept on hand in the office and taken to the
evacuation site during drills.
The staff is trained during new hire orientation in the procedures used for emergency
situations. In addition to training, they are made familiar with the location and
function of the fire alarms, extinguishers, fire panel, and switches. The student
staff is also made familiar with emergency procedures during initial student staff
meetings each semester.
When a child is registered at the CDL the parents/guardians are asked to complete
an emergency contact form.
With parental permission a current photograph of each child will be attached to the
back of the information page.
The original of this form is kept in the child’s classroom in a binder designated
as the emergency contact book. Anytime the center is evacuated the book is taken with
the staff as part of the evacuation procedures including drills.
This means that in case of an actual emergency evacuation staff will have all information
necessary to contact parents or to receive emergency medical care for a child.
We ask parents to update this information anytime there is a change in the information
both in the classroom and the director’s office.