Tennessee Middle School Math Contest

Tennessee Middle School Math Contest


April 10, 2025

 TN Tech University would like to invite your participation in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Jr. High/Middle School Mathematics Competition to be held on campus Thursday, April 10, 2025. This contest is coordinated at various sites across the Upper Cumberland. All test sites administer the same test under the same conditions. Due to the large volume of schools participating, each school is allowed to participate at only one testing site per year. Scores from all sites are compiled and the top ten students from the state are recognized. Scores will be emailed to the supervising teachers no later than the Monday after the test (April 14, 2025). There will not be an onsite awards ceremony at TN Tech.


Testing Information 

All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are eligible to enter the contest. There will be three divisions of the contest. Regardless of the course in which a student is currently enrolled, sixth graders will compete with sixth graders, seventh graders will compete with seventh graders, and eighth graders will compete with eighth graders. Each individual school is responsible for selecting and preparing contestants. Prior tests can be found below


 The test will be conducted as one continuous 60-minute test. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m., and the test will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. The test will consist of 30 problems/questions with multiple choice answers that will cover material normally taught, plus challenge problems or questions. Answer sheets will be machine graded, and results will be available the day of the contest. The formula 4R-W+30 (4 times the number of correct answers minus the number of wrong answers plus 30) will be used in scoring.  Questions left blank are not included in formula scoring (as correct or incorrect). Students will be allowed to bring pencils and a calculator (except those with QWERTY keypads) into the testing room and will be allowed to keep their copy of the test upon completion.


Rules for Tie-Breaking–Individual Awards at TN Tech:

 The total number of correct answers rather than the scores determined by the formula described above. If one student has more correct answers than the other, he/she will be declared the winner.

If the above fails to select the ordering of the scores, we will work backwards from problem 30 to find the first question which one student answered correctly and which the other did not.

To help cover contest costs, a fee of $6.00 per contestant will be collected. Fees must be paid by check payable to Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers (MTMT). FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND MAY BE PAID PRIOR TO OR ON THE DAY OF THE COMPETITION. It is preferred for all fees to be paid prior to the event by mailing a check addressed to:

Middle Tennessee Mathematics Teachers (MTMT)

C/O Holly Anthony 

1000 N. Dixie Ave

Campus box 5042 

Cookeville, TN 38505

 The contest will be held at the Roaden University Center (RUC) in the Multipurpose room. The events related to the contest at TN Tech conclude after students are dismissed from the testing room. There will not be an awards ceremony held at TN Tech. The top 10 at each grade level will be announced via email no later than the Monday after the contest. Supervising teachers will be sent the top ten at each grade level, a copy of student scores, a blank test for each grade level, and the answer key for each grade level.


The schedule for the day is as follows (Central Time):

• 9–10: Registration

• 10–11: Math Contest

 If your school plans to enter students in the contest, please designate one person as the official contest supervisor. This person will be responsible for submitting the school enrollment form (for all participating grade levels) no later than Monday, March 10, 2025, at 3:00 central time. The contest supervisor will also be responsible for corresponding with the contest director and registering, as well as, paying fees on or before Thursday, April 10, 2025.

Please be aware there are a limited number of seats available. Due to the increasing numbers of schools participating, the number of students per school per grade level is limited to 4. All entry forms will be taken on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration will close on or before Monday, March 10, 2025, at 3:00 central time according to the volume of entries.

Alternates are NOT allowed at the testing site. Due to the large volume of participants, only 4 students per grade level will be allowed to attend the contest on Thursday, April 10, 2025. Names of participants may change up to April 9 by emailing jrmeadows@tntech.edu.


The school enrollment form is found below:

School Enrollment Form  

Questions and comments are welcomed by replying to this email or to Jennifer Meadows at jrmeadows@tntech.edu            


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