Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Tk20?
- When will this data management system take effect?
- Why do I have to purchase Tk20?
- Why do I have to pay for Tk20? Why doesn’t the college?
- What will Tk20 cost and where do I purchase it?
- What if I don’t get an email from Tk20 with my login info after purchasing my subscription?
- What is my Tk20 username and password?
- Is Tk20 available on both Macs and PCs?
- How much storage space do students have?
- Is the system secure and confidential?
- I need a refund, what do I do?
- I am having trouble logging in/ completing my assignment/ uploading files in Tk20.
- How do I locate any pending assignments from my professors?
- What do I do if one of my courses does not appear in Tk20?
Learning Resources Center (LRC)
Tk20 Help Desk
Bartoo Hall, Rm. 213
P: 931-372-3856