Student Organizations - Advisors Guide

Student Organization Advisor Information & Guide

A Intercultural Affairs staff member assisting a student.

All Registered Student Organizations must have an active and responsive Faculty/Staff Student Organization Advisor. Student Organization Advisors must be current full-time faculty or administrators at Tennessee Tech throughout their advising term. Adjunct faculty, clerical staff, graduate assistants, and visiting faculty are not eligible to serve as Faculty Advisors.

Advisors are an important part of every student organization. Generally, the purpose of a faculty/staff advisor is to serve as an on-campus resource to students within the organization. Additionally, advisors help with the growth and development of students, provide consistency and communicate goals to future members, and assist in the area of program content and purpose.

The role of an advisor may vary depending on the organization's needs. The scope of an organization's activities, the effectiveness of its officers, the time commitments of the advisor and other factors determine the nature of an advisor's involvement with the group. Advisors should never consider themselves as only a requirement for registration.

Quick Links:

» Student Organization Advisor Responsibilities
» Student Organization Advisor Resources
» Eagle Engage Advisors Guide
» Student Organization Officer Guidelines

Student Organization Advisor Responsibilities

Advisors are responsible for supporting the current and long-term success of the organization. Please review Student Organizations website for a variety of resources and information about student organization administration.

  • It is important that all officers understand the student organization registration and re-registration procedures. Please review the Student Organization web page pages for more details.
  • The advisor should work with student officers to ensure that the organization is acting in accordance with the organization's constitution and governing documents and with local, state, federal, and University policies and regulations.  
  • Advisors are classified as Campus Security Authorities and mandatory reporters and must fulfill the responsibilities and duties of these roles.
  • Student organization advisors are expected to receive, review, and respond to communication from the University regarding the organization in a timely manner.
  • Advisors should be aware of relevant policies and hold their organizations and officers accountable for following University policies and procedures.
  • Advisors should provide sound financial advice and confront any misfeasance related to the management or organization funds. Advisors should never keep organization funds in trust. These funds should be deposited and withdrawn from an organization bank account.
  • Student organizations are autonomous entities that register with the Tennessee Tech to gain access to benefits and resources. Advisors should guard against any misrepresentation by the organization as official representatives of the University. This includes the use of the University's Tax ID number or Tax Exempt status, and in soliciting fundraising and sponsorship by individuals and businesses.

Student Organization Advisor Resources 

Student Organization Advisor Workshops will be held each semester. This semester’s workshop will be conducted via Teams and dates will be announced soon.

Center for Student Engagement team members are available to assist you in interpreting University policies and procedures, supporting with your officers, and navigating organization challenges. Email to request assistance.

Eagle Engage Student Organization Advisors Guide.

Eagle Engage is Tennessee Tech’s brand new system for student organizations, campus events, and more. Eagle Engage utilizes a platform provided by CampusGroups. This system puts the work of student organization leadership at your fingertips through a web-based platform and a full-feature mobile app. This page provides the information that student organization advisors need to know take advantage of all that Eagle Engage has to offer.  


Advisor Workflow

Eagle Engage Screenshot

Advisors will approve events and registration submissions via Eagle Engage. At this time, these requests will be delivered via email from CampusGroups (the email address should be, but they can also be accessed from Eagle Engage using the “My Activity Menu” on the left-hand side of the Eagle Engage home page.

From the email, select “View Workflow.”

From the Workflow screen, you have a number of options. First, please select “Open Submission” in the Details section to review the provided details. You can then post a message to the submitter only, to the submitter and all reviewers, or to the reviewers only. You can also request that the submission be modified, approve the request, or reject the request. Please note that when you approve the submission, you indicate that you have reviewed the proposed event or registration thoroughly.

Eagle Engage Screenshot

Student Organization Officer Guidelines

In order to enhance the experience for student organization officers, advisors are encouraged to review and be familiar with the Student Organization Officer Guidelines. If you have questions regarding the information provided, please email

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