Mechanical Engineering - MS

Master of Science Admission Requirements

An applicant for admission to any of the MS programs offered by the departments of the College of Engineering is expected to have earned a BS degree from an approved program, or its equivalent. Admission is decided based on a multi-parameter criterion that can include the following items to be evaluated by the department:

  • Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.00 on a 4.0 scale,
  • GRE® General Test (GRE) scores with Quantitative greater than or equal to 50%; Verbal greater than or equal to 33%; Analytical Writing greater than or equal to 33%. Students with Bachelor of Science degrees in related fields from Tennessee Tech are not required to take the GRE.
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation that demonstrate strong evidence for success in the graduate program.
  • Availability of appropriate faculty to serve as research advisor(s).
  • Participation in undergraduate research.
  • Post-BS degree professional experience relevant to planned degree of study.
  • Publications in peer reviewed journals and/or award-winning presentations in technical conferences.
  • International students must score at least 550 (213 computer-based or 79 internet-based) on the TOEFL or a minimum base score of 6.0 on the IELTS.

Based on the level of satisfaction of the above criterion, the department will either recommend admission to Full Standing, Provisional Standing, or Special Standing, or deny admission. Standing status may be changed to Full Standing after the student satisfies the requirements specified by the department at the time of admission.

Students working on their Senior Capstone project

Master of Science with Thesis Option

The MS degree with the thesis option requires 30 credit hours as specified in the student's approved Program of Study, including 22-24 credit hours of course work and 6-8 credit hours of thesis research completed under the supervision of the student's graduate thesis advisor. No more than nine (9) credit hours of the 22-24 credit hour total may be at the 5000-level. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required both to graduate and to remain in good standing in the program. The thesis requirement includes conducting research, the findings of which must be submitted in writing and are subject to the policies and approval of both the College of Graduate Studies and the student's graduate advisory committee. In addition, each student must pass a comprehensive exam which includes a defense of his/her research work before the advisory committee.

Student working in the machine shop

Master of Science with Non-Thesis Option

An MS program of study with non-thesis option requires a minimum of 33 credit hours of graduate course work, as specified in the student's approved program of study. The program of study shall include 30 semester hours of formal, graded coursework, and three (3) semester hours of special topics. At least seventy percent of the credit to be counted toward the MS degree (23 hours) must be at the 6000 level or above. The special topics course will demonstrate the student's capability to engage in independent learning. The content and format of the special topics course, including the comprehensive examination, will be entirely at the discretion of the student's advisory committee. Typically the special topics course will be taken in the final semester listed on the program of study. A student who wishes to enroll in the non-thesis option must submit an approved program of study to the Graduate School after nine (9) semester hours of graduate coursework have been completed. Thereafter any changes to the program of study must be approved by all members of the committee, and the Department Chair.

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