Mechanical Engineering - Student Organizations and Opportunities

Student Organizations Overview


Autonomous Robotics Club

Autonomous Robotics Club inspires college students to learn more about robotics through hands on experience and then use that knowledge to inspire the community.

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Mechanical Engineering students are offered opportunities to join several societies and organizations. For information about any group you may want to join, please contact an officer listed:

American Society for Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

The Tennessee Tech ASHRAE Chapter is part of a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the build environment.

President: Harrison Farr
Vice President: Avery Stokes
Program Coordinator: Justin Douglass

Email for more information.

Faculty Advisor:  Dr. Glenn Cunningham

ASHRAE Facebook

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers unites by social and technical means the students of the Department of Mechanical engineering and to further the interests of Mechanical Engineering in general.

President: Leanne Turpin
Vice President: Megan Wesemann
EJC Rep: Gabe Laboy
Secretary: Madelyn Hise
Treasurer: Ryan Kinnaley

Email for more information.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stephen Canfield

ASME Website

Autonomous Robotics Club (ARC)

Autonomous Robotics Club inspires college students to learn more about robotics through hands on experience and then use that knowledge to inspire the community.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stephen Canfield

ARC meets on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Foundation Hall Laboratory (FNDH 230).

Email for more information.

ARC Facebook

Baja SAE Team

BAJA SAE is a design competition that challenges students to work as a team in the designing, building, testing and racing of an off-road vehicle that is capable of negotiating rough terrain.

Co-Captain: Owen Massey
Co-Captain: Laken Johnson

Weekly Meetings are on Tuesdays in Brown Hall 237 at 6:00 p.m.

Email for more information.

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Will Brookshear

2021 Promotional Video Connect on Social Media

Pi Tau Sigma, International Mechanical Engineering Honor Society

Pi Tau Sigma fosters the high ideals of mechanical engineering through service, leadership and integrity.

President: Abby Collier
Vice President: Andrew Gothard
Treasurer: Will Buida
Secretary: Jacob Hott
Service Chair: Abbey Ward
Social Chair: Jacklynn Bryant
Web Master: Chandler McCrary
Alumni Relations: Chris Edwards

Email for more information

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chris Wilson

Pi Tau Sigma Website

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

Society of Women Engineers is an organization that stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers.

President: Alexis Harvey
Vice President: Megan Young
Advisor: Kristine Craven

Email for more information

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kristine Craven

SWE Website

Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Organization (MEGSO)

MEGSO provides an opportunity for graduate students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering a chance to fellowship, network, pursue opportunities to collaborate with their peers, allow an avenue to provide constructive feedback, enhance education through speakers and learning opportunities, and to encourage undergraduate students to pursue graduate school at Tennessee Tech.

President Chaitanya Sai Kodali
Vice President Md Rumman Ahsan
Secretary Mushrif A Choudhury
Treasurer Saanyol Ityokumbul Igbax

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