Manufacturing and Engineering Technology - Laboratory Safety Guidelines

Laboratory Safety Guidelines

Authorized Personnel

  • No individual shall work in any laboratory unless directly supervised by a department faculty or staff member. Direct supervision shall be considered to be a faculty member or staff members present in the laboratory in which the work is being conducted.
  • No individual shall operate equipment in any laboratory until the appropriate examinations are passed and/or demonstrations are observed or the person has the approval of a faculty member or laboratory technician.
  • Laboratories may be used during open-laboratory periods by students enrolled in department courses, provided they limit their activity to equipment that they are qualified to operate. Such qualifications shall include either instruction through regular departmental courses, the passing of appropriate examinations for individual items of equipment, or approval of a faculty member or laboratory technician. Students working on activities related to departmental course requirements will have first priority for equipment during open-laboratory periods. Student projects not related to departmental course requirements must be cleared with the MET department chairperson and laboratory technician prior to beginning work.

Eye and Ear Protection

  • Eye protection must conform to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-Standard Z87.1-1989 or latest edition (that have etched insignia on corner of both lenses) or goggles shall be worn in all laboratory areas with the exception of those areas designated by faculty members or lab technicians. Additional protective eye and face protection must be worn when supplied for a particular operation.
  • ANSI approved glasses or goggles shall be worn in outdoor work areas when specified by faculty members or laboratory technician.
  • Chemical goggles and appropriate attire shall be worn in a laboratory setting as specified by SDS information.
  • The purchase and use of the right type of goggles for the work in the laboratory are highly encouraged.
  • Contact lenses should not be worn in the laboratories without safety glasses. Iron dust from various operations and chemical splashes in certain laboratories could cause a permanent stain in the cornea of the eye.
  • Hearing protection is necessary in some laboratories during times when certain machines are in operation. Students may purchase disposable earplugs or borrow ear protection devices.

Equipment and Tool Utilization

  • All protective equipment deemed necessary for a particular operation must be fully utilized.
  • Individuals shall not operate equipment that has been tagged as being defective and shall be responsible for reporting defective equipment to faculty members or laboratory technician.
  • Individuals shall not operate equipment unless they believe it can be operated safely.
  • Under normal circumstances, tools or equipment shall not be removed from laboratories. Exceptions to this rule require approval of department chairperson, faculty members or laboratory technician in charge of that laboratory. All such loans of equipment shall be reported and checked through the laboratory technician.

In Event of an Accident

  • All accidents that require medical attention must be reported immediately to a faculty or a staff member.
  • Accident report forms are available in the Department Office and must be completed for all accidents.

Laboratory Conduct

  • Smoking is not allowed in the Manufacturing and Engineering Technology Department. Tech is a smoke free campus and smoking is prohibited.
  • No food, smokeless tobacco, or beverages are allowed in laboratories or classrooms.
  • Individuals observing hazards or unsafe acts must immediately report these to a faculty member or a laboratory technician. Any faculty member or laboratory technician has the authority to correct or stop an unsafe activity from occurring in the Department of Industrial Technology.
  • Disruptive behavior or talking to a machine operator is potentially dangerous. Individuals responsible for creating such hazardous situations may be asked to leave the laboratory.
  • Students working on projects must work in pairs or a team for safety purposes.
  • An individual using laboratory facilities is responsible for clean up the immediate area and equipment utilized. Such housekeeping shall be done at the completion of the work or during the activity when such housekeeping is necessary for ensuring a safe and clean working environment for the individual and others using the laboratory. Student must not leave the laboratory before cleaning is finished.
  • Tools, supplies and instrument must be cleaned and returned back to their proper places. Make sure that all equipment are properly shut off.
  • Individuals who are under the influence of prescribed medications that could affect their ability to safely operate equipment or follow procedures shall not work in the laboratory. Report this condition to your instructor.
  • No individual shall be allowed in the Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology who is under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs and/or alcohol. Such person(s) shall be subject to disciplinary action prescribed by Tech policy.

Laboratory Hours

  • Fall and spring semester Monday - Friday
    • 7:30 - 11:30 a.m.
  • 12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
  • Summer sessions, evening classes, and special sessions will have hours posted in each laboratory.
  • Some laboratory exercises require more time than allocated for the laboratory periods. It is the responsibility of each student to plan for and provide such needed time necessary to complete each exercise. Consult the laboratory schedule posted in the laboratory to find when you can use the lab facilities outside the assigned laboratory time.

Personal Attire

  • Individuals with hairstyles that seriously limit visibility or that constitute a hazard when working in a laboratory shall wear a safety cap or other appropriate device as determined by faculty members or laboratory technician.
  • Individuals working in all laboratories shall wear appropriate footwear.
  • Loose and dangling attire must not be worn in any of the department laboratories. Shirtsleeves should not extend below the elbow.
  • Rings and other hazardous jewelry must be removed before working in all laboratories.


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