NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

2022 NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)


Secure and Privacy-Preserving Cyber-Physical Systems

Software and Hardware Approaches MAY 23 — JULY 29, 2022

This Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site, funded by NSF Division of Computer and Network Systems, focuses on cybersecurity challenges in future cyber-physical systems (CPS) including smart and safe cities, self-driving cars, industrial internet of things (IIoT), and smart power grid.

Topic Areas:


Apply Now

1. Information

The Summer 2022 site will be from May 23 to July 29.

Each participating undergraduate student will receive stipend of $6,000 in addition to on-campus double occupancy housing (approximately $1,600), meals ($1,200), materials costs and a travel allowance (up to $600). 


2. Eligibility Requirements:

  • US Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Major in Electrical Engineering, Computer/Software Engineering, Computer Science, or any other related discipline or experience related to the project topics
  • A 3.0 or higher GPA
  • Must graduate after September 2022
  • ** All interns living on campus who are under 22 years of age must show proof of adequate immunization against Meningococcal Disease (Meningitis) on or after 16th birthday. **


3. Deadline:

Screening of applications will begin March 1, 2022.


4. Announcement of Awards: March 15, 2022.


5. Application:

An application will be considered when the following items are submitted:  Please send the followings in a single pdf file named lastname_firstname_REU22.pdf to Dr. Mahmoud (mmahmoud@tntech.edu)

  • Application Form (PDF)
  • Statement of purpose that covers four areas: Motivation, Achievement, Research Interests and Career Goals.  Describe why the applicant is interested in the REU program, relevant academic achievements, why he/she can be an exceptional candidate and career goals and research interests (Format: One page maximum, 12 pt font, standard margins)
  • A resume (2 pages maximum)
  • College transcript (unofficial transcript is acceptable)
  • Two reference letters, submitted separately by each of two referees who can assess your academic abilities, academic accomplishments, motivation, work habits, potential as a researcher, and your ability to participate in and benefit from a research internship program.  Letters should be emailed to Dr. Mahmoud (mmahmoud@tntech.edu).  The email from the referees should have the following subject line: REU_REF_lastname of the student.

Selections will be based on a combination of research interests, academic qualifications, and faculty recommendations. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


Candidates from underrepresented minority groups and women are encouraged to apply.

For questions and further information, please contact the site coordinators:
Dr. Mahmoud: mmahmoud@tntech.edu
Dr. Hasan: shasan@tntech.edu



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