Financial Aid - Transfer

HOPE for Transfer Students

Students who choose to transfer to Tennessee Tech from another university and are eligible for their HOPE Scholarship can still receive the award as long as they meet the standard HOPE requirements. Please follow the steps below to transfer your HOPE Scholarship to Tennessee Tech!


Step 1Log In to Your TSAC Student Portal

Visit TSAC Student Portal and enter your username and password to log in or select "Create a Log In" if you have not previously created an account. 

If you cannot remember your login information, simply click the “Forgot your Username or Password?” link or contact TSAC directly.

Step 2Transfer Your School to TN Tech

Select "Transfer School," next to each program in your account and choose Tennessee Technological University in the drop-down menu. Once selected, click "Process Transfer Request."

Once completed, email us at and confirm that you have changed schools in your TSAC Portal.

Step 3Add Tennessee Tech to your FAFSA

Add Tennessee Tech to your current FAFSA Application by logging in to with your FSA ID and selecting "Edit Existing Form" on the Complete the FAFSA Form page. Add Tennessee Tech using our School Code 003523 and submit your FAFSA.

Step 4Submit ALL transcripts to Tennessee Tech's Office of Admissions

Request that your final high school transcripts and all final post-secondary transcripts be sent to Tennessee Tech’s Office of Admissions at All transcripts submitted must be official.

                • If your high school unweighted GPA is below 3.0, ACT scores must also be submitted to Office of Admissions to establish Hope eligibility.

                • Home school students must send both a final high school transcript and ACT scores.

Please note that Hope funds will not post until all transcripts and grades are received and reviewed for eligibility.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the transfer of your HOPE Scholarship to Tennessee Tech, please feel free to reach out to us at for assistance!

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