Appalachian Center for Craft - Summer Programs for High School Educators and Students

High School Art Intensive

The Appalachian Center for Craft invites Tennessee 8th-12th grade educators and students to join us for High School Art Intensive (HSAI). HSAI is a week-long program that provides an immersive learning experience through workshops and activities. All workshops will be led by professional teaching artists with the goal of providing high quality, enriching and inspiring craft education for participants. Participants will attend two different workshops and multiple evening activities which will take place in the craft studios at ACC. Registration includes workshops, activities, materials, on-site lodging and meals.

New in 2025

We’ve made exciting updates to the HSAI program in 2025 to enhance the experience and provide more opportunities for participation. Here’s what you need to know:

Separate Weeks for Students and Teachers: This year, teachers and students will attend separate weeks, with staff from the Craft Center serving as chaperones for the student week. This ensures that all interested students and teachers can participate and helps us admit more participants to the program.

Enhanced Professional Development Activities for Teachers: Your feedback from prior years highlighted the value of professional development activities and helped us develop a plan for engaging programming in 2025. In addition to the daytime craft workshops, teachers will have the opportunity to earn Professional Development hours in evening activities, including peer-led discussions to share ideas and curricula. 

New Application Process: We are implementing a new application process for both students and educators. This change allows more first-time and returning attendees to join us, moving away from the first-come, first-served registration process of prior years. 


Eligibility and Program Dates

For Students:

Must be Tennessee residents, between 15-18 years of age and enrolled in high school for the fall 2025 semester. 2025 HSAI program dates for students are June 8-13, 2025.

After acceptance, students and their legal guardians must review and sign the HSAI Program Letter, which includes policies and program information. A registration fee of $50 is due by April 30, 2025. Late registration fees may result in forfeiting your spot in the program to someone on the waitlist.

For Teachers:

Must be Tennessee residents and high-school educators. 2025 HSAI program dates for teachers are June 22-27, 2025.

A registration fee of $100 is due by April 30, 2025. Late registration fees may result in forfeiting your spot in the program to someone on the waitlist.

How to Apply:

Applications for HSAI are now open and will close on March 30, 2025. 

Application for Students Application for High School Teachers


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