School of Music - FAQs for Future Students


What career opportunities are available to music majors after graduation with a bachelor's degree in music?
There are many lifetime career options for musicians. Most musicians engage in a mix of jobs and professional activities combining the roles of teacher, performer, composer, contractor, music business, continuing student, volunteer, or music technologist as best suits their personal nature.

With a bachelor’s degree in hand, one of the most common paths is to pursue an advanced degree at the master’s and doctoral level. Music educators teach in private studios, public and private K-12 schools, colleges and universities, community music schools, and in early childhood music programs (Suzuki, Kindermusik, etc.). 

Performers find employment as conductors, solo and chamber musicians, commercial or studio musicians, ensemble players, freelancers, or in military ensembles. Composers work in arranging, orchestration, commercial and film music, or as copyists. 

There are many other options in music business, including artist management, media music, retailing, instrument repair, manufacturing and design, and the recording industry. Only the talent, skill, and imagination of the candidate limit the job prospects in music.


What are the admissions requirements to attend Tennessee Tech University?
The requirements to be admitted to Tennessee Tech can be reviewed on the Admissions Page of the Tennessee Tech website.


How do I transfer to Tennessee Tech from another university or two-year college?
Visit the Transfer Equivalency page on Tennessee Tech's website for transfer equivalency tables and evaluation processes.


How do I arrange for an audition with the School of Music?
Students interested in auditioning for admission to the School of Music a should complete an Audition Application.


Must I be a music major in order to perform in a music ensemble?
Admission to music ensembles is open to all University students regardless of major. Some ensembles, however, require a successful audition, or the permission of the instructor, prior to enrollment in the course.


Does the university provide instruments for student use?
The school expects music majors to own their own instruments, and non-majors performing in ensembles are encouraged to bring their own instruments for use in these groups. The School of Music has a limited number of University-owned instruments for student use; however, these instruments are, generally, the larger color instruments (i.e., baritone saxophone, contrabassoon, English horn, bass trombone, string bass, etc.).


What scholarships are available to music majors at Tennessee Tech?
The School of Music administers a competitive scholarship program for student musicians, regardless of academic major. Music majors, and all other interested musicians, must first apply and be accepted to Tennessee Tech, complete all required forms, and successfully audition to be considered for a music scholarship. 

You should audition for a music scholarship as soon as possible in the year before your entrance to the University. Non-music majors desiring to audition for ensemble service awards should complete an Audition Application. For more scholarship and financial aid information visit these Tennessee Tech sites: Admissions, Financial Aid Office and Scholarships.


What is the annual deadline for applying for scholarships?
New and continuing music students must apply by December 15th of each year to be eligible for general University scholarships for the following academic year. Audition dates for music scholarships can be found on the Audition Information page.


Must I major in music to qualify for a music scholarship?
The majority of music scholarships are awarded to those students declaring a major in music. However, a limited amount of money is available to highly qualified student musicians who are not music majors. Non-music majors interested in receiving an ensemble service award should complete an Audition Application.


How can I learn more about majoring in music at Tennessee Tech?
Please email or call (931) 372-3161.


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