Student Handbook - Academic Policies

Academic Policies

The Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs contain admission requirements, registration procedures, academic regulations, descriptions of the major programs of study, fees, and general information. Students are responsible for acquainting themselves with the information.

Academic Catalogs

The Undergraduate Catalog is available online. If you have questions or comments, please contact Brittany Copley at

The Graduate Catalog is available online. If you have questions or comments, please contact Graduate Studies at

Academic Policies

Selected academic related policies are highlighted below. All Tennessee Tech policies may be accessed via Policy Central


Academic Advisement takes place prior to registration. Each student is assigned an academic advisor who will assist in planning the program of study. The semester Schedule of Classes, available in the Office of Registrar in Jere Whitson, Room 221, provides detailed instructions for registration. It’s helpful to have prepared a trial schedule prior to the appointment with the academic advisor. Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs are available online.

Academic Integrity

TTU Policy 216 (Student Academic Integrity) establishes the policies and procedures for addressing Academic Integrity violations at Tennessee Tech. The policy may be accessed via Policy Central. Additional information can also be found on the Provost Office's Academic Integrity webpage.

Class Attendance

TTU Policy 266 (Class Attendance Policy) describes the expectations and exceptions for students attending class. The policy may be accessed via Policy Central

Grade Appeal Policy

TTU Policy 218 (Grade Appeals Policy) establishes and details the process by which a Tennessee Tech student may appeal an assigned grade. The policy may be accessed via Policy Central

Grading and Examination Policy

TTU Policy 264 (Grades, Grading, and Examinations) provides a comprehensive explanation of grades, grade point averages, and examination procedures for students, staff, faculty, and administration. The policy may be accessed via Policy Central.

Readmission After Academic Suspension

TTU Policy 1202 (Readmission After Academic Suspension) creates uniform requirements for the readmission of undergraduate students after academic suspension. The policy may be accessed via Policy Central

Retention Table

TTU Policy 263 (Academic Retention Standards) creates uniform requirements for the continued enrollment of undergraduate students. The policy may be accessed via Policy Central


TTU Policy 1203 (Withdrawal Procedure) explains the process for students to withdraw from Tennessee Tech University. The policy may be accessed via Policy Central