Questions & Answers About Class
How Often Do Classes Meet?
The hours a class meets per week usually equals the number of credit hours given for the class (except for PHED and lab- type classes). For instance, a 3-credit hour class usually meets for 50 minutes, three times a week.
How Long Do Classes Meet?
Most Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes are 50 minutes long, with 10-minute breaks between each class. Tuesday and Thursday classes are an hour and fifteen minutes long with a 10-minute break between classes. Check “Concise Student Schedule” or “Student Detail Schedule” on Eagle Online to see how long each of your classes meet.
Do I Have to Go to Class?
It is your responsibility to attend classes regularly. Each instructor has their own method of accountability for attendance. Some instructors consider class attendance when deciding grades. Talk with your professor about legitimate excuses for absences and make sure that you discuss any absences with your professor. For emergency situations necessitating an extended absence, students should contact the Office of Student Affairs. If you receive federal aid or veteran benefits, you are required to attend class to avoid repayment of funds.
What Are Class Requirements?
During the first week of class, a course syllabus is usually distributed. It generally contains a brief overview and outline of the course, grading criteria, important dates and topics covered, a list of necessary textbooks and the instructor’s office location, phone number and office hours.
You can find out what grades you have made at the end of each semester through Eagle Online. Grades will NOT be mailed home. Some courses may use iLearn as an additional online resource for learning. Professors and instructors may post assignment grades within iLearn throughout the semester but are NOT required to do so.
Repeating Courses
Students may repeat courses in which they received a grade of C or lower.
The new grade used to calculate the student’s QPA will be the last grade in the course
used to fulfill the graduation requirement. After the second attempt, any third and
subsequent grades will be averaged.
What If I Want to Drop (or Withdraw from) a Class?
It is important for students to always consult their academic advisor or advising center before dropping a class. Doing so will allow your advisor to assess your course load and ensure there are
no conflicts with pre-requisite courses. Any student receiving federal or state aid should consult with the Office of Financial Aid. Doing so could help in evaluating if these changes would affect your enrollment and/or aid eligibility.