Honors Program - Advanced Honors Scholars

Scholarships for Advanced Honors Scholars

Opportunities for active Honors Program members in their final year
The application is housed on ScholarWeb (tab labeled Honors Scholarships).  Only Honors students are able to access this page of ScholarWeb. Complete applications must be submitted by Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. 

Please address any questions to Mrs. Lindsey Roberts at lrroberts@tntech.edu after carefully reading the full descriptions for the following awards. Complete applications must be submitted on ScholarWeb by the announced deadline to be considered. 


College of Arts and Sciences Honors Scholarship

Amount: $2000 per year
Deadline: All required paperwork (including FAFSA) must be submitted by Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. 

This scholarship is designated for active members of the Honors Program in the College of Arts and Sciences who have already earned 100 or more credit hours, with preference to those who have earned 120 hours or more, and who will be entering into their fifth or later year.

The Connie K. Hood Honors Program Arete Scholarship

Amount: $1000 per year
Deadline: All required paperwork (including FAFSA) must be submitted by Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. 

This scholarship is designated for full members of the Honors Program who have demonstrated that they will graduate in cursu honorum, with preference to those who have already earned 120 or more credit hours, who will be entering into their fifth or later year, and who have financial need.

The Walter Kelly Hood Honors Program Fifth-Year Student Scholarship Endowment

Amount: $500-$1,000 per year
Deadline for submission of all required paperwork (including FAFSA) is Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. 

This scholarship is designated for active members of the Honors Program who have a 3.5 average or above in their major field, who have already earned 100 or more credit hours, and who will be entering into their fifth or later year.

The Thomas Henry Neal Sr. Scholarship

Application procedure: Please submit the materials required for the scholarships listed above.

 Application deadline: Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. 
 Award amount: Varies (estimated award: $500)

The student must be a full-time undergraduate student in good standing with current institutional policies; must be classified as a senior or above and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in the major field; must have financial need, as documented by the Financial Aid Office and by the completed FAFSA form; and must actively contribute to the Honors Program via coursework or other Honors credit-bearing opportunities, and participation in Associated Scholars Guild activities.


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