Daily Enrollment

Institutional Research

Daily Enrollment

The Daily Enrollment report and dashboard contain information showing a yearly comparison of the daily changes in enrollment at the beginning of the Fall semester. This report and dashboard provide daily information and comparison on Headcount, Student Credit Hours, and Full-Time-Equivalent Students.


The dashboard consists of four pages: 

  1. Daily Comparison with Differences: a comparison of the total enrollment, student credit hours, and FTE enrollment to the same point in time last year.
  2. Day-to-Day Comparison: a comparison of daily enrollment, student credit hours, and FTE enrollment for a selected day for the current year and a selected day for the previous year.
  3. Daily Comparison - Line Graph: a daily trend line graph for each year for either headcount, student credit hours, or FTE enrollment.
  4. College Enrollment Comparison: a comparison of the current year's enrollment for each college compared to the previous year, showing whether each college has increased or decreased in enrollment.

Daily Enrollment (SAS VA)


The report consists of three pages:

  1.  Summary: a day-to-day comparison of the total enrollment to the same point in time last year. 
  2. By Classification: a breakdown of the current enrollment numbers by student classification.
  3. By College: a breakdown of the current enrollment numbers by college and specific groups of students.

Daily Enrollment (PDF)

Click here to access the daily Excel versions of these reports.

The following calendar provides the days we are comparing for each 'Day Type'. The day and dates of the current report will be bolded below. Please be aware, the Daily Enrollment reports and calendar do not take into account weekends.

Day Type Fall 2024
5 Days Before Classes Thursday, August 15*
4 Days Before Classes Friday, August 16
3 Days Before Classes Monday, August 19
2 Days Before Classes Tuesday, August 20
1 Day Before Classes Wednesday, August 21
1st Day of Class Thursday, August 22
2nd Day of Class Friday, August 23
3rd Day of Class Monday, August 26
4th Day of Class Tuesday, August 27
5th Day of Class Wednesday, August 28
6th Day of Class Thursday, August 29
7th Day of Class Friday, August 30
8th Day of Class (Labor Day) Monday, September 2
9th Day of Class Tuesday, September 3
10th Day of Class Wednesday, September 4
14th Day of Census Thursday, September 5
*IARE will begin publishing Fall 2024 Daily Enrollment Reports on Monday, August 19.

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