Intercultural Affairs - Give

Give to Intercultural Affairs

The Tennessee Tech Diversity Scholarship Initiative is an effort to increase and enhance the overall diversity of the student population.  The largest minority group at Tech is the African American student population—a group that has made up less than four percent of the overall student population and has never reached five percent.  
With your help, we can change this.  We hope you will consider making a gift to support the Diversity Initiative or any of the funds below so that future generations of students may receive an education from Tech. 
We set an initial goal of $2 million for this Initiative and so far, we have raised just over $1.2 million.  When we meet this $2 million goal, it will ensure that Tech has at least $100,000 available for diversity scholarships each year.  Imagine what we can do to recruit and retain minority students through this kind of funding!

The future of diversity at Tech is bright.  The University is in good hands.  We are proud to create a lasting legacy, and we thank you for being a part of it.

Give Today!

Ways to Give

Gifts can be made in the giving form below (please select the fund you would like to support in the drop down-menu), stock, bonds or mutual funds, or can be mailed in.

Recurring monthly gifts for as little as $10 a month can make an impact. If you are interested, please fill out this form and forward it to John Smith at

You can also support the initiative and BCC through a planned gift. Gifts through bequest, charitable trust, life insurance plan, life estate agreement, retirement plan designation, or any other planned estate gift can count to toward the goal. More information can be found on our legacy giving web page or contact Mr. Tiff Rector at


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