Volpe Library - Government Publications

Government Publications

Federal Depository Library Program logoWe are a selective Federal Depository for publications of the US Government distributed by the Government Publishing Office (GPO). This depository was established in 1969, and public access to government documents is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 United States Code).

The Library participates in the state shared housing agreement for pre-1989 publications in the following departments:

  • Fish and Fisheries Commission (1871-1903) - FC 1:
  • Bureau of Fisheries (1903-1939) - C 6:
  • Bureau of Fisheries (1939-1940) - I 45:
  • Bureau of Biological Survey (1939-1940) - I 47:
  • Fish and Wildlife Service (1940-1988) - I 49:
  • Congress Commissions & Boards (up to 1988) - Y 3:
    Federal Development Planning Committee for Appalachia - Y 3:Ap 4:  
    Appalachian Regional Commission - Y 3:Ap 4/2:
    Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission - Y 3:M 66:  
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Y 3:N 88:

The government publications follow the Federal Depository Library Program and the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act).


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