Volpe Library - Group Study Rooms

Group Study Rooms

What are Group Study Rooms?

Our group study rooms are on the second/main floor and seat four to six people. All rooms have monitor displays and white boards, but you must provide your own dry erase markers. You may use an empty room on a first-come, first-served basis, but reservations take priority. 

Reserving a Group Study Room

You can reserve a room up to 7 days in advance and for one hour at a time. You can have four active reservations. All reservations must end at least 15 minutes before closing time; the system will not let you make a reservation that ends at closing time.

  1. Go to TechConnect (available via TechExpress).
  2. From the TechConnect homepage, click the "Make an Appointment " button at the top right. Be sure you have selected "Student Home" on the left side. If you are an employee wanting a study room and cannot choose "Student Home," email Sharon Holderman. If you are an employee and want to reserve bigger spaces, you must use Coursedog.
    screenshot of Tech Connect page
  3. Type of appointment: Volpe Library
  4. Service: Reserve a Library Study Room
  5. Chose your date. If you choose a date more than 7 days in advance, it will say no appointments are available.
  6. Click the "Find Available Time" button.
  7. If you want to see times for a specific room, click the "View individual availabilities" link.
  8. Select your desired time. Please be aware of the library building hours, including breaks and holidays. If you are able to make a reservation outside the library's operating hours, that was an error; you will not be able to access your study room when the building is closed.
  9. Follow the remaining steps to complete your reservation.

Canceling a Group Study Room reservation:

  1. Go to TechConnect via TechExpress.
  2. Click on the Calendar tab.
  3. Click on the room reservation you wish to cancel.
  4. In the popup box, click "Cancel My Attendance" in the bottom left cover, select a reason, then click "Mark as Cancelled."

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