Library-Provided Textbooks
To find existing eBooks in the library's collections and subscriptions:
- EagleSearch*: filter by "Books" and "Full Text/Online Options"
EagleSearch searches for purchased eBooks as well as eBook databases including ACM Digital Library, ASTM Compass, EBSCO eBook Collection, JSTOR Open Content, Knovel, Open Textbook Library, Project Gutenberg, Project MUSE Open Access, and the Springer eBook Collection. - EBSCO eTextbooks: Approximately 375 electronic textbooks from publishers such as Routledge, Springer,
Oxford University Press, CRC Press, De Gruyter, and others. All of these electronic
textbooks are permanently available and have unlimited users. Coverage includes arts
& humanities, medicine, science & technology, and social sciences. The publication
dates for most of these titles range from 2018 through 2022.
- EBSCO eBooks – Permanent Collection: Over 300 eBooks covering the following special topics: COVID-19 and pandemics,
video game design, cannabis, and nursing. More general topics include social sciences,
political science, history, and literary criticism. These eBooks are permanently available
and have unlimited users. A subset of this collection is DRM-free. DRM-free titles
have unlimited printing, saving, copying/pasting and downloading. The publication
dates for all of these titles range from 2019 to 2023.
- GALE eBooks: TEL Collection*: over 280 eBooks across multiple disciplines provided free by the state; searchable and browsable
*Vendors can add and remove eBooks from databases. Contact Stephanie Adams to ask about access duration for a specific title.