Nursery and Landscape Management

Degree Information

Nursery and landscape management provides students an opportunity to combine agribusiness management training and horticulture training for managerial positions in the nursery and landscaping industries.


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Degree Details

Graduates with a Nursery and Landscape Management degree can enter careers such as production and managerial training positions in the nursery and landscaping industries, or managing their own green industry business. Students will find many opportunities to enhance their learning experience with the Tech Farm, and off-campus work experiences and internships. Tech Farm is a 300-acre working, teaching and research farm located about 2 miles from campus, with field and protected growing structures. Our glass and polyethylene greenhouses, high-tunnels and organic operations are only part of the benefits of the Horticultural/Landscape and Nursery living laboratory at Tech.

Bachelor of Science
Nursery and Landscape Management
Delivery Style
Department Information
School of Agriculture
Oakley Hall 145
(931) 372-3019
Department Website

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