Chemistry - Forensic Chemistry

Degree Information

Dive into the world of forensic chemistry! Identify unknown materials found at crime scenes in government or private laboratories, or in graduate study.


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Degree Details

Chemists work in a diversity of fields such as medicinal, biochemical, biotech, nuclear, environmental, pharmaceutical, forensic, agricultural, organic, polymer and scientific writing. Tennessee Tech graduates with chemistry degrees are found all over the world. A student in any chemistry concentration may attain certification by the American Chemical Society as determined by the chemistry faculty. Forensic science is an interdisciplinary field incorporating aspects of chemistry, biology, and physics. While it is certainly an area of current popular interest, it has long been a career pathway for chemistry graduates, whose curriculum fits these demands particularly well. This option combines the essential elements of chemistry with supporting coursework in biology and criminal justice.

Bachelors of Science
Forensic Chemistry
Delivery Style
Department Information
Department of Chemistry
Foster Hall 219
(931) 372-3421
Department Website


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