Multidisciplinary Studies - Middle School English, 6-8

Degree Information

The Middle School English, 6-8 concentration prepares future educators for informed, successful careers in the field. Our nationally accredited program provides students access to a broad curriculum, hands-on experiences, and support resources.


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Degree Details

The Middle School English, 6-8 concentration (in the Multidisciplinary Studies major) prepares students to successfully enter the profession. The curriculum is designed to provide the necessary foundation of teaching skills, a broad knowledge in reading and writing, as well as content in math, science, and history.

Students in licensure programs also engage in extensive clinical experiences in public schools for hands-on training, professional collaboration, and classroom management. This program prepares our graduates to excel in leadership, teaching, and service roles in public schools and other educational agencies.

Our college offers a wealth of educational resources from the VISION Virtual Learning Lab, the Jeffers Learning Resources Center, to the Millard Oakley STEM Center.

Bachelor of Science
Multidisciplinary Studies
Middle School English, 6-8
Delivery Style
Department Information
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Bartoo Hall 313
(931) 372-3181
Department Website

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