Human Resource Leadership

Degree Information

Evolve your HR expertise! Our Master's in Human Resources Leadership program equips you to become an HR professional that leverages data and leadership skills to have a lasting impact on organizational productivity, performance, and behavior.


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Degree Details

Human resource professionals are increasingly becoming an integral part of an organization's strategic planning process. Company executives turn to HR professionals for policy directives and creative ways to use human capital for improved performance results. The Human Resources Leadership program focuses on a variety of workplace factors (economic, environmental, ethical, legal, political and administrative) and the impact they can have on organizational productivity, performance and behavior. An interdisciplinary studies approach to this field is a perfect fit - succeeding in human resources requires a variety of skills, abilities, experiences, knowledge and the excellent graduate-level degree education you'll receive through this flexible and rewarding program.

Master of Professional Studies
Professional Studies
Human Resource Leadership
Delivery Style
Department Information
School of Professional Studies
Southwest Hall 139
(931) 372-6267
Department Website
Graduate Studies Information
College of Graduate Studies
Derryberry Hall 306
(931) 372-3233
Contact Now

Admissions Requirements

In the Master of Professional Studies degree, there are several concentrations available. Students seeking admission to all of the Professional Studies graduate programs are required to have:

    1. Undergraduate GPA: at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
    2. As well as one of the following conditions:
      1. Undergraduate GPA: at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
      2. GRE: a score of at least 146 on the verbal portion and 144 on the quantitative portion; or a combined score of 290 on the verbal and quantitative reasoning sections and at least a 3.5 in analytical writing
      3. Professional Work Experience: at least five years of professional work experience demonstrated through a portfolio (see further details below)

International students are required to demonstrate competency in spoken and written English by taking appropriate standardized tests. See accepted standardized tests and minimum required scores »


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