Golden Eagle Experience - Makes the Most of Your Electives

Surviving Spring Finals

Finals week can be stressful, but it’s only one week! Be sure to study early, get enough rest, be up to date on where your final is, and don’t forget to have some fun while you study! You should be very proud of yourself for completing your first semester of college!

Study Now. Start studying for your finals now! Doing a little bit at a time is far less overwhelming than saving an entire semester’s worth of content to study. Consider studying a chunk of material every day, rather than waiting until the night before your final. Also, be sure to figure out what study style works best for you. If re-reading content is not how you retain material best, find a different way to study.

Get Rest. While it can be very tempting to pull all-nighters to study for your final, a good night’s sleep before a final will be more beneficial! You will want to spend the night before a final sleeping, not studying. Try and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep! You will feel much better walking into a final well rested than if you walked in running on coffee and an hour of sleep.

Check the Syllabus. As Finals week approaches, make sure to look over your syllabus to find the day, time, and location of your final. You certainly don’t want to miss a final because you went to the wrong place. Some finals are taken in rooms other than the room you have class in! View the Finals Week Exam Schedule.

Have fun. While finals can feel very scary and stressful, it is important for you to take some time during study sessions to relax. Consider grabbing dinner with friends, going for a walk on campus, or heading to the gym to exercise. Finals Week is also your final week on campus for your freshman year, so be sure to make the most of it. Don’t let studying for finals keep you from making lasting memories with your friend. Find a healthy balance of fun and studying! Even meeting up with your classmates to study in the library can be a lot of fun.

Be Proud. No matter how your finals go, you should be incredibly proud of yourself. You have completed your first year of college! Finals week is stressful, but you will get through it. Once you’ve taken all your finals, feel free to celebrate. Go to dinner with friends, take a much needed nap, or reward yourself by shopping at your favorite store. You survived finals, and that’s worth celebrating!