Golden Eagle Experience - First-Year Career Readiness

Overcoming Test Anxiety


Having a whole semester under your belt, you now have a feel for the academic side of college life. Regardless of whether you got a 4.0 your first semester or have some room for improvement, sitting down for a college exam may feel nerve racking. But, did you know that test taking, is a skill set that you can learn to master? Test anxiety is very common among college students, even for those who tend to perform well academically. Below are some tips to help you feel prepared for your next test!


Feeling Prepared. Feeling prepared for any test is proven to help eliminate test anxiety! Learning how to study successfully in college is the first big step you can take. Whether it is with a group of friends, on the quiet floor of the library, or something new, find what works best for you! Studying is the number one way to eliminate test anxiety and fully feel prepared for any test.

Time Efficient. Being time efficient before your test comes up and during your test can also help eliminate anxiety. Practicing getting in the habit of writing down all of your tests for the whole semester on a calendar will help eliminate a test from sneaking up on you! Studying a week before a test can help build your confidence, and further eliminate anxiety. Time efficiency is also key during a test. If you feel as though you are being rushed you are not going to focus as well on the test. Make sure and prioritize your time in the weeks leading up to a test as well as throughout the test.

Tutoring. Tennessee Tech offers free, one-on-one peer tutoring through the Volpe Library. The best part about this on campus tutoring is that a student who was successful in your course will be the one helping you! Tutoring is a big step in eliminating test anxiety, and there are plenty of students ready to help you. You can schedule a tutoring session through the Tech Connect portal by simply searching your course title!

Talk to Someone. Talking to someone about your test anxiety can be one of the best ways to combat this stress. The Center for Counseling and Mental Health offer free sessions for students to talk about things like test anxiety. If you’re feeling the pressure of a test you can easily schedule an appointment through Tech Express. You will locate these appointments under the Eagle Wellness Portal, or you can stop by their office in the Roaden University Center, Room 307. Feeling like you need to talk to someone sooner than the appointments offer? The Center for Counseling and Mental Health also offers a phone number you can call (931) 372-3331.


Test taking is stressful, but by sitting down and prioritizing your success you can make such a difference. Utilizing resources is one of the best ways to benefit your college career. Tennessee Tech offers many ways to combat your test anxiety and allow you to feel like the prepared and confident student you are!