Whitson-Hester School of Nursing - Doctorate of Nursing Practice

Doctorate of Nursing Practice

Prepares Advanced Practice Nurses and Nursing and Healthcare Nurse Leaders

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is a doctoral degree focused on practice and designed to prepare experts in advanced nursing practice. ETSU-TTU DNP program prepares advanced practice nurses and executive/nursing and healthcare nurse leaders to assess and evaluate evidence from research and translate or use the findings to affect practice change to enhance and promote quality of care. The program offers the opportunity to work with experienced faculty from two universities and interprofessional experiences with multiple disciplines. The blended/online program grants the conveniences of online study with face-to-face support, networking, and sharing.


Regulatory requirements governing student clinical vary by state and are subject to change. Clinical placement outside of Tennessee is contingent upon approval by the appropriate regulatory bodies and will be evaluated on an individual basis upon admission to the program. Currently, placement in North Carolina and Virginia is allowed.

Professional Licensure Disclosure

The Whitson-Hester School of Nursing cannot guarantee licensure eligibility outside the state of Tennessee.  Applicants are encouraged to contact the applicable licensure board(s) in their state of residence or in the state where they intend to obtain a license before beginning an academic program that results in licensure and prior to beginning any internship/practicum. For more information see Tennessee Tech’s Professional Licensure Disclosure web page https://www.tntech.edu/consumer-info/nursing.php or the National Council of State Boards of Nursing www.ncsbn.org .


DNP Program Information

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