We are happy to offer the HESI A2 exam through the year, with two different ways to complete the exam. The HESI A2 exam can be completed once per application period. We give the full version of the HESI A2 exam, but do not use a Physics section (that section is for Radiology Programs) or the Critical Thinking portion. Neither of those sections are included in the composite score used by our and other Nursing programs.
Our recommended score to aim for is a 75 composite, but that is not a hard cutoff for applicants. Students are allotted 4.5 hours to complete the exam, with most applicants completing it in around 3 hours.
Starting Steps for Testing
The HESI A2 exam is offered by Elsevier. Your first step to completing the HESI will be to make an Elsevier/Evolve account at:
Select "I am A Student" and then "Register for Results and Remediation" under the HESI Secured Exams section. Proceed to create your account; it should treat your account creation as a $0.00 purchase. Make sure to take note of the username it assigns you after "Checking Out" and the password that you select. We are unable to access your account details and not knowing your username and password can prevent you from starting your exam.
Do not select the "Register for Distance Testing" option.
Testing through the Volpe Library Testing and Learning Center
Our recommended method of completing the HESI A2 exam is to complete the exam in-person through our on-campus testing center. If you are new to campus and have not taken classes through us before, make sure your university admission has gone through and you have your student ID and email so that you can access the Testing and Learning Center. If you have your student ID and email set up, you are ready to sign up for the HESI through the Testing and Learning Center by following these steps:
- Follow the account creation steps above under "Starting Steps for Testing".
- After creating your Evolve account, you can complete your actual HESI A2 payment here or using the payment ID: 29190. The cost of the exam should be $54.00.
- After completing payment, please forward your emailed receipt to bclark@tntech.edu. Please allow a few business days for processing. After your payment is confirmed you'll receive details from the Testing Center about scheduling the date and time of your exam.
- Please make sure to review the ID and other requirements needed to access the Testing Center here before selecting your test date and time. We also recommend keeping a printed copy of your receipt/payment confirmation for exam day.
Testing through ProctorU
Those of you who are not near campus or who are unable to test in person for various reasons may be interested in our ProctorU virtual proctoring option. This option is not ideal for those of you who may need testing accommodations, as our ability to change the testing protocol through this third-party service is limited. Here's how to set up an exam date for ProctorU:
- Follow the account creation steps above under "Starting Steps for Testing".
- Create a ProctorU account at: https://go.proctoru.com/registrations. For the Institution please select "Elsevier - HESI".
- Register and complete the ProctorU HESI A2 payment. Exam cost should be around $70.00.
- Make sure to review the technical requirements before your exam time arrives. Those of you on MacOS or some versions of Windows may need to enable screen recording; please use the ProctorU guide to prepare for your exam as we aren't able to provide tech support for this service.
- After completing your exam, make sure to save a copy of your exam report.