Office of Creative Inquiry / QEP - Excellence in Creative Inquiry Award

Excellence in Creative Inquiry Award

Nominate CISE faculty and students for the Summer 2023 Excellence in Creative Inquiry Award.

Award for Excellence in Creative Inquiry Instruction

Spring 2021 & Fall 2021

  • Dr. Betsy DeSimone, Department of Communication (College of Interdisciplinary Studies): JOUR 3740, Advertising Copy and Layout, Fall 2021.
  • Dr. Mari Ramler, Department of English (College of Arts and Sciences), PC 2500, Communication in the Professions, Fall 2021.

Spring 2020 & Fall 2020

  • Dr.  Mari Ramler, Department of English (College of Arts and Sciences): PC 4990, Business/Grant Proposal Writing
  • Dr. Julie Stepp, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education & Human Sciences): LSCI/READ 4570, Young Adult Literature

Spring 2019 & Fall 2019

  • Dr. Helen Hunt, Department of English (College of Arts and Science): ENGL 4340, Topics in American Literature
  • Dr. Lauren Michel, Department of Earth Sciences (College of Arts and Science): GEOL 2500, Geologic Fundamentals
  • Dr. Ted Pelton, Department of English (College of Arts and Science): ENGL 4610, The Novel

Spring 2018 & Fall 2018

  • Dr. Queen Ogbomo, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education & Human Sciences): ELED 3140, Teaching of Social Studies
  • Dr. Amber Spears, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education & Human Sciences): READ 3311, Literacy I

Spring 2017 & Fall 2017

  • Dr. Amanda Carroll, Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Science): CHEM 2910, Introduction to Research Methods
  • Dr. Helen Hunt, Department of English (College of Arts and Sciences): ENGL 4340, Topics in American Literature: Queer, Crossed, Quixotic: Early American Adventure Narratives & Gender Theory
  • Dr. Jennifer Meadows, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (College of Education & Human Sciences): ELED 3152, Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School

Award for Excellence in Creative Inquiry Mentoring

Summer 2022

  • Dr. Steve Anton. Department of Mechanical Engineering (College of Engineering).  Student: Miguel Fuentes Garcia.  Project Title:  Analyzing Mechanical Properties of the Achilles Tendon Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
  • Mr. Richard Pirkle. Department of Biology (College of Arts and Sciences). Student:  Natalie Perkins.  Project Title: Utilizing Leukocyte Profiles to Compare Stress Levels in Brooding Canada Geese (Branta canadensis)

Summer 2021

  • Dr. Wilson Gichuhi.  Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences).  Student: Rebecca Firth.  Project Title:  Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Mono and Dicyanobenzene Anions
  • Dr. Lauren Michel.  Department of Earth Sciences (College of Arts and Sciences).  Student:  Jaclyn Kreeger.  Project Title:  Paleoclimate Data on Rusinga Island

Summer 2020

  • Dr. Duckbong Kim.  Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology (College of Engineering). Student: Yixing Wang, Project Title: Investigation of Defects Formation Mechanisms in Wire+Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process
  • Ms. Rena Wood. School of Art, Craft and Design (College of Fine Arts). Student:  Katherine Shinn. Project Title: Appalachian Center for Craft Dye Garden

Summer 2019

  • Dr. Tania Datta. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (College of Engineering). Student: Maci Arms. Project Title: Data collection towards understanding stormwater management and flooding issues in the town of Gainesboro, Jackson County, TN
  • Dr. Nikki Panter.  Department of Biology O (College of Arts and Sciences). Student: Emily Eastham. Project Title: Canines for comprehension: training shelter dogs to improve children's literacy

Summer 2018

  • Dr. O. Andreea Cojocaru. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Student: Lillian Pipkin. Project Title: Dual functioning liquid salt of phenothiazine drugs
  • Dr. Sean Alley.  Department of Economics (College of Business). Student: Michael Stooksbury. Project Title: The Effects of Transfer Payments on Labor Productivity and Labor-Leisure Choices: A Behavioral Economics Approach

Summer 2017

  • Dr. Holly Stretz.  Department of Chemical Engineering (College of Engineering). Student: Parker Lusk.  Project Title: Detection of Lead Contaminants in Water using Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles
  • Dr. Jeanette Wolak.  Department of Earth Sciences (College of Arts and Sciences).  Student: Amber Patterson.  Project Title: Analysis of Terraced Fans on Mars using High-Resolution Digital Terrain Models

Excellence in Creative Inquiry Student Award

Summer 2022

  • Luke Chapman. Mentor: Dr. Adam Holley
  • Miguel Fuentes Garcia. Mentor:  Dr. Steven Anton
  • Nathan Owens. Mentor: Dr. Aubree Hill
  • Natalie Perkins. Mentor:  Dr. Richard Pirkler
  • Gabriel Tardy. Mentor:  Dr. Jane Liu
  • Kie Workman. Mentor: Wilson Gichuhi

Summer 2021

  • Austin Day. Mentor: Dr. Jane Liu. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (College of Engineering). Project Title: Modeling Energy Dissipation in Viscoelastic Metamaterial Components
  • Jaclyn Kreeger. Mentor: Dr. Lauren Michel. Department of Earth Sciences (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Paleoclimate Data on Rusinga Island 
  • Hayden Suddeath. Mentors: Dr. Twanelle Majors and Dr. Oana Cojocaru.
  • Abby Ramaker. Mentors: Mr. Perry Johnson, Ms. Meredith Lewis, Dr. Shawn Krosnick, Ms. Delayne Miller. School of Art, Craft and Design (College of Fine Arts). Project Title: Campus Mural in Native Plant Garden
  • Rebecca Firth. Mentor: Dr. Wilson Gichuhi. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Mono and Dicyanobenzene Anions

Summer 2020

  • Eungkyun Kim. Mentor: Dr. Indranil Bhattacharya. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (College of Engineering). Project Title: Improving the Quantum Efficiency of Multi-junction Perovskite Solar Cells
  • Bethann Oberlander. Mentor: Dr. Tammy Boles. Department of Environmental Sciences (College of Interdisciplinary Studies). Project Title: Investigation of Raman Spectroscopy for Molecules Associated with Human Decomposition
  • Katherine Shinn. Mentor: Ms. Rena Wood. School of Art, Craft and Design (College of Fine Arts). Project Title: Appalachian Center for Craft Dye Garden
  • Jacob Thorn. Mentor: Dr. Andrea Cojocaru. Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences). Project Title: Transdermal Delivery of Hepatoprotective Drugs in Liquid State
  • Yixing Wang. Mentor: Dr. Duckbong Kim. Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology (College of Engineering). Project Title: Investigation of Defects Formation Mechanisms in Wire+Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process

Summer 2019

  • Courtney LaPointe.  Mentor: Dr. Jeff Boles.  Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences).  Project Title: Qualifying Cannabis using thin layer Chromatography
  • Rachel Paris.  Mentor: Dr. Andreea Cojocaru and Dr. Twanelle Majors.  Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences).  Project Title: Controlled Release of Juglone Compounds in Acidic Medium from Hydrophilic Mesoporous Silica
  • Logan Unser.  Mentor: Dr. Ahmad Vasel.  Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology (College of Engineering).  Project Title: Investigating the Effect of Wind Lens Technology on the Performance of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
  • Maci Arms.  Mentor: Dr. Tania Datta.  Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (College of Engineering).  Project Title: Data Collection Towards Understanding Stormwater Management and Flooding Issues in the town of Gainesboro, Jackson County, TN

Summer 2018

  • Lillian Pipkin.  Mentor: Dr. O. Andreea Cojocaru.  Department of Chemistry (College of Arts and Sciences).  Project Title: Dual functioning liquid salt of phenothiazine drugs
  • Michael Stooksbury.  Mentor: Dr. Sean Alley.  Department of Economics (College of Business).  Project Title: The Effects of Transfer Payments on Labor Productivity and Labor-Leisure Choices: A Behavioral Economics Approach
  • Tessa Eskander.  Mentor: Dr. Holly Stretz.  Department of Chemical Engineering (College of Engineering).  Project Title: Lithium Extraction from Brine using Li/AI Layered Double Hydroxide Chloride in a Microfluidic Fiber Reactor
  • Hannah Buckner.  Mentor: Dr. Nikki Panter.  Department of Biology (College of Arts and Sciences).  Project Title: This is Nuts: Training Shelter Dogs to Detect Peanut Allergens 

Summer 2017

  • Mary Holden.  Mentor: Dr. Brian Leckie.  Department of Agriculture (College of Agriculture and Human Ecology).  Project Title: Field Evaluation of Southern Appalachian Heirloom Bush Type Green Beans
  • Parker Lusk. Mentor: Dr. Holly Stretz. Department of Chemical Engineering (College of Engineering). Project Title: Detection of Lead Contaminants in Water using Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles
  • Nathan Martindale. Mentor: Dr. Jerry Gannod. Department of Computer Science (College of Engineering). Project Title: Use of Machine Learning Algorithms to Help Understand Preferences of Residents in Long Term Care Facilities
  • David York. Mentor: Dr. Sean Alley. Department of Economics, Finance and Marketing (College of Business). Project Title: Maximizing Government Revenue through Taxation