Office of Creative Inquiry / QEP - Faculty Fellows

Faculty Fellows

The overarching goal of Tech’s new Quality Enhancement Plan, EDGE, is to create a culture of undergraduate creative inquiry through increased involvement in and recognition of creative inquiry curricular and co-curricular activities. To ensure that a large part of the campus community is engaged in this endeavor, we have implemented an EDGE Faculty Fellows Program in our new QEP.

EDGE Faculty Fellows are selected annually based on their background and expertise to serve as mentors to faculty teaching courses that are enhanced with undergraduate creative inquiry grants.

For 2020-2021, Tech’s EDGE Faculty Fellows include Shelley Brown from the department of Sociology and Political Science; Jennifer Meadows from the department of Curriculum and Instruction; Melissa Geist from the Whitson-Hester School of Nursing; Kimberly Winkle from the School of Art, Craft and Design; and Robby Sanders from the department of Chemical Engineering.