TTUPA - Newsletter - What to Do if a Class is Full

What to Do if a Class is Full

Sometimes your student may need a class to progress in their degree that is already full. While this can be very frustrating, there are a few things your student can do to try to get into the class or find an alternative solution. 

Don’t panic. Your student should not panic about a class being full. After their advisement appointment, they can email their academic advisor to help them discuss what options and next steps should be taken. Being proactive about pre-requisites and required classes is a must to make sure they progress toward their degree. 

Get on the waitlist as soon as possible. If a class is full by the time your student registers, they can typically get on the waitlist. The higher they are on the list for a class, the higher their chance of getting into the class. For first-year students, if a class fills up that they need or want, they can reach out to their advisor for alternative courses, but they may need to wait until a future semester.

Talk to the professor. Emailing the professor of the course to request permission is the next step, but going to that professor’s office hours might give your student a better chance to discuss their situation. If they need the class in order to graduate at the end of the semester or if there are other circumstances that require them to take the class immediately, your student should share this and ask for the professor’s advice. Often the professor will refer the student to their advisor. There may be a substitution their advisor can request that will allow another class to count for the one they require.

Explore other options. Your student should sign up for another class in case they cannot get into the full class. They should consider taking another required class or an elective they have had their eye on. Waiting to hear if they are accepted into a full class before registering for any others could cause your student to miss out on the opportunity to register for other classes that are also important for their major, so encourage them to have a backup plan.

Be professional. It can be frustrating for your student to be told they cannot take a class because it is full. Your student may want to show their frustration when talking to professors, but being mature and professional can go a long way in helping them in their petition.


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