Office of the President

Choose Kindness.

Wings of Kindness. Be Bold. Be Fearless. Be Confident. Be Kind.

Throughout its history, Tennessee Tech has been known for its basic sense of values, work ethic and culture of kindness. Now, it’s time to recognize those among us who demonstrate kindness to others in various ways through Wings of Kindness.

 Nominate an Act of Kindness Wings of Kindness Winners

Tech First Lady Kari Oldham launched Wings of Kindness as a special initiative to recognize students, faculty, staff and others across campus for choosing kindness in today’s busy, often hectic world. Described in her own words, she said kindness is often displayed by “simple acts such as opening a door for someone, taking time to say please and thank you, making eye contact and smiling, paying an unsolicited compliment, helping campus visitors feel welcome, or cleaning up someone else’s mess.”

These are simple but selfless acts that powerfully demonstrate the importance of someone other than self. Maya Angelou put it this way, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people forget what you did, but people never forget how you made them feel.”

Please nominate someone you have seen go above and beyond to show an unusual act of kindness to others. Tech First Lady Kari Oldham and President Oldham will be recognizing these individuals with Wings of Kindness.

Wings of Kindness Winners

Wings of Kindness Award


Mich Turpeau
Kindness in McCord, game night host

Debbie Gunnels PortraitDebbie Gunnels
Humble kindness, brightens lives of CDL children


Lee Ann Shipley PortraitLee Ann Shipley
Kindness in the classroom


James BaierDr James Baier
Brings kindness to all he does for students


James Hammons
Bakes fudge brownies to make tests a little easier

Brittany Bajo      
Welcoming kindness in her home for prospective grad student

Hannah Buckner PortraitHannah Buckner 
Raised charity money through puppy kissing booth


Nathan Anderson
Kindness demonstrated by listening

Jake Oligny
Kindness in every greeting

Jessie Greene PortraitJessie Greene
Warm and welcoming kindness, looks for opportunity


Lisa Rice PortraitLisa Rice   
Shares ice cream and popcorn to calm others


Sylvia Horne PortraitSylvia Horne
Kindness helps others overcome fear of public speaking


Hunter Dinger
Kindness and knowledge of Jeeps helped stranded student

Nathan Morgan  
Loves volunteering, led Tech volunteers in tornado cleanup

Abigail Thomas PortraitAbigail Faith Thomas
Opens doors, gives generously, volunteers in tornado cleanup


Robby Sanders PortraitDr. Robby Sanders       
Generously gives students his time and attention


Yunus Quraishi PortraitYunus Quraishi
Often caught in simple acts of kindness, holds doors, gives smiles


Cheri Hunter      
Donates to Clothes Closet, shared umbrella and ride on rainy day

Vanessa Curry PortraitVanessa Curry    
Visited student who suffered storm damage


Michael Davis    
Caring attitude toward fellow students

Kim Williams PortraitKim Williams
Shows extraordinary dedication to students who need health services


Devon Cotter PortraitDevon Cotter
Gave extraordinary empathy and time to fellow students


Lisa Bowman PortraitLisa Bowman     
Makes all feel welcome at the Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness


Leigh Ann Ray
Unparalleled selflessness in the COVID-19 situation

Face Shield Crews
Worked day and night to meet local, state needs

Coach Alexander & Football Team
Shared kindness visits to nursing homes

Mason Hilliard PortraitMason Hilliard
Leads with kindness, answers every call for help


Student Volunteers Portrait1000+ Student Volunteers
Defined Wings Up with tornado response


Michelle Huddleston
Untiring kindness and attention to tornado victims, volunteers

David Burnett PortraitDavid Burnett
Donated to Food Pantry for those in need to purchase groceries


Charlene McClain PortraitCharlene McClain
Alerted helpers to needs of mother needing milk for three children


Wings of Kindness Awards


Nominate An Act of Kindness


Inaugural Recipient:

Jake Hoot Playing at a Concert

Jake Hoot

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