University Housing & Residential Life - Ellington & Warf Halls

Ellington & Warf Halls

Hall Description

Ellington and Warf are co-ed residence halls. So one floor would be all male and another floor would be all female. Most rooms are standard double rooms, with a few single and triple rooms. All rooms have loft beds (each bed has the opportunity to be raised from a standard height to about four (4) feet). These beds give residents the opportunity to maximize their floor space.

New for Fall 2023

The third and fourth floors of Ellington Hall will be home to the Health/Wellness and Well-being themed housing community.  This community aims to provide a space for students who have an interest in cultivating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in a supportive community.  The purpose of this community is to establish a network of students working toward and supporting one another’s well-being.  The members of this community will focus on the six dimensions of the wellness (physical, intellectual, social, emotional & mental, environmental, and financial).  Keep in mind that residents on these floors will have an opportunity to shape it in scope and depth.

Hall Specifics

Hall Director Amberlyn Holman
Warf, Room 220
Assistant Director Jasmine Newport
M.S. Cooper Hall, Room 204
Built 1971
Last Renovated 2014
Capacity 193 Residents
Staff Office/Phone Warf, Room 220

Physical Address/Map Information

Ellington 130 W. 8th Street
Warf 120 W. 8th Street
Building Codes Ellington - ELLG
Warf - WARF
Location Capital Quad
Campus Maps Maps

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