
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program

To report an illicit discharge contact the Tennessee Tech Police at 372-3234.

Tennessee Tech maintains an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program to prevent unnecessary pollution of Tennessee's waterways. All students, employees, and contractors are required to follow the campus wide IDDE Policy that can be found here. Tennessee Tech's IDDE Program also consists of a periodic outfall inspections and an education program.

What is an “Illicit Discharge”

The unauthorized discharge of pollutants or non-stormwater materials to the storm drainage system via overland or direct dumping of materials into a catch basin or inlet. Illicit discharges are generally any discharge into a storm drain system that is not composed entirely of stormwater. 

Examples of illicit discharges are:

  1. Illicit connections to storm drainage system;
  2. Drainage from car washing into stormwater drain;
  3. Cleaning paint brushes in or around a catch basin; and
  4. Illicit connection.

What is an “Illicit Connection”

The discharge of pollutants or non-stormwater materials into the storm drainage system via a pipe or other direct connection.

Examples of illicit connections are:

  1. Sanitary sewer taps;
  2. Wash water from laundry facilities; and
  3. Wash water from sinks.

The following discharges to the storm drainage system are allowed:

1. Discharges that are specifically permitted under a State or Federal Stormwater program.

2. Uncontaminated discharges from the following sources are permitted:

    1. Water line flushing and blow-offs;
    2. Landscape irrigation or lawn watering with potable water or water from a natural source;
    3. Rising ground water;
    4. Diverted stream flows permitted by the State of Tennessee;
    5. Pumped groundwater;
    6. Foundation or footing drains;
    7. Water discharged from crawl space pumps;
    8. Air conditioning condensate;
    9. Springs;
    10. Swimming pools (if de-chlorinated);
    11. Street wash waters resulting from normal street cleaning and deicing operations;
    12. Discharges resulting from firefighting activities; and
    13. Dye testing permitted by the State of Tennessee or Tennessee Tech.