Student Leadership Programs

Join Tech's Leadership Development Initiatives

The development of leadership skills and knowledge enhances students' success in college and beyond. Tech offers many wonderful opportunities for students to gain skills and knowledge, including student organization membership, mentoring programs, on-campus employment, Career Development workshops, and other campus events. Learn more about these opportunities here and use the link below to request a leadership development workshop for your student organization, class, or team.    

2023 Student Leadership Awards

Students at Tennessee Tech University make an impact on their campus community in ways that extend beyond the classroom, bringing vibrancy to campus life and advancing the university’s mission through meaningful connections with their peers.

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Unlocking Excellence
Leadership is about finding your path to inspire and guide others to achieve a common goal.

Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) Leadership Society

Tennessee Tech is offering an exciting new opportunity for student leaders! Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), America’s oldest national leadership honor society for college leaders, is rebuilding a chapter at Tennessee Tech. Originally chartered in 1975, Tennessee Tech’s OΔK chapter has initiated hundreds of members who have graduated and enjoy successful careers. 

ODK is an organization that values leadership qualities found in a diverse array of fields. The organization seeks to recognize and bring together leaders of all five “pillars” or areas of campus life: scholarship, athletics, services, campus and community service, communications, and the arts. The organization is intentionally inter-generational in that we invite sophomores, juniors, and seniors who rise to the top 35% of their class (typically around a 3.40 cumulative GPA) and graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, and civic leaders for membership. 

Learn More About ODK




Student Leadership Resources

1.  Explore the Career Readiness website by The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) for valuable information and resources to help prepare Tennessee Tech student leaders for a successful career. 

2.  The Tennessee Tech Center for Career Development identifies Tech's 10 Competencies for Career Readiness. Find out more on their website.

3.  The National Association of Campus Activities (NACA) has defined a leadership competencies framework for students who plan campus events and activities.

4.  The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) lists leadership as one of its 10 competencies. To find out more about how employers value leadership development, please read NACE's article on employers and the career readiness competencies.

5.  NACE investigates how students and employers view and explain career readiness. Read more about how they view development by visiting the link below.


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