WMC - Campus Resources

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Academic & Administrative Resources 

Tennessee Tech has a Women and Gender studies minor available to any undergraduate student. The administrative committee responsible for advancing women's equity on campus is the Commission on the Status of Women.
Click the links below for more information.

Women & Gender Studies     Commission on the Status of Women

Symbolic Image of a hearty location pin.

Helpful Spaces

Below we have compiled a list of helpful spaces on campus. From lactation spaces to your accessible education needs, there are options for you to find the right place on campus. Select the tabs below to find more information. 

There are very few spaces available to express milk across campus. Below you can find some options. 

  • Health Services: appointments can be made to use the spaces in Bell Hall 105 by calling (931) 372-3320.
  • Henderson Hall 101: open 24/7. Enter through the handicap access on the ground floor after hours. 
  • Lab Science Building: inside the women's restroom on the first floor (the north side of the main building). 
  • Southwest Hall 134: open weekdays 8-12 and 1-4:30.
  • TJ Farr 302c: open when the building is open.
  • Women's Center: appointments can be made to use a lockable office. Equipped with outlets and a sink.
    Call (931)372-3850 or email womenscenter@tntech.edu to reserve the space.

Student GroupsSymbolic image of a group of people.

Here you can find a list of student groups where you can connect to other students, exchange ideas, and support each other. This list does not include faith-based or social greek-life organizations. Click here to find a complete list of student organizations.


Organization Advisor Email Box Purpose
All Ladies of Civil Engineering (ALICE) Dr. Tania Datta tdatta@tntech.edu  5015 To facilitate an environment that inspires and empowers female engineering students by providing mentorships with the goal of completing a degree in Civil and Environmental engineering. 
Association for Computing Machinery's Committee on Women in Computing Dr. Muhammad Ismail mismail@tntech.edu   5004 To promote the educational and scientific contributions of women in computing.
Black Student Union Charria Campbell cycampbell@tntech.edu  5145 To serve as a liaison between the university and black students and aim to foster student growth and development through diversity, academics, community service as well as outreach. The Black Student Union gives black students a voice on campus which can at times be unaware of what it is like to be a black student on a predominately white campus.  
Center for Diverse Education (CODE) Dr.  Julie Baker jcbaker@tntech.edu  5116 To establish an organic setting where student-athletes have the opportunity to convene and communicate about real world issues, changes that we would like to see in the community, as well as the world around us. To provide a healthy environment for student-athletes to manifest change, partner with surrounding schools in the community to serve as role models and impact the youth, as well as grant student-athletes support and provide a platform to speak about issues plaguing our country today. To achieve unity across different athletic programs on this campus and establish a connection in order to bring about change.   
IMPACT TTU Dr. Ashley Akenson and Dr. Andrea Acre-Trigatti aakenson@tntech.edu
5116 To promote multicultural awareness, spark interest in and provide education on issues of diversity and equality, develop an inclusive service-learning community, and enhance student retention and academic success. 
Lambda Alpha Sigma Dr. Dennis Duncan dduncan@tntech.edu  5034 To promote the advancement of women in agricultural fields.
Lambda Gay-Straight Alliance Dr. Mark Cramer mcramer@tntech.edu   5061 To provide a network of support, safety, and unity for LGBTQ students on Tennessee Tech's campus.
Nontraditional Student Organization Jeannie Smith jeanniesmith@tntech.edu 5176 To promote information, guidance, and mutual support among its members, and to facilitate the education of nontraditional students of Tennessee Tech. 
Peer Empowerment Program Nicole Cook nacook@tntech.edu  5052 To engage students of all backgrounds to come together and address the issues of sexual violence on TN Tech's campus. PEP will work closely with Project AWAKEN to provide awareness, advocacy, knowledge, empowerment, and nurturing to survivors, as well as education of the campus community, thus enhancing the safety of our campus. To apply, fill out this application.
Society of Women Engineers Dr. Kris Craven kcraven@tntech.edu  5002 An organization that stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers.
T.E.A.M. Dr. Chester Goad cgoad@tntech.edu  5091 To promote advocacy, education, and practical activities related to accessibility that leads to implementation or improvement of accessibility in three primary areas; digital accessibility, physical accessibility, and academic accessibility.


Get HelpSymbolic image of two hands embracing a heart.

Need help? Below we have compiled some places on campus where you can find help and support when you are in need. From making a complaint to making ends meet, there are places on campus that are ready to assist you. Expand the purple bars below to find more information on each section. 



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