Bursar Office
Bursar Departments
Accounts Receivable
- Accounts Receivable Windows - student account questions and billing (Windows #4 & #5).
Cashier Operations
- Cashier Windows - cash, checks, one-card cash, and money orders (Windows #2 & #3)
- Eagle Online / Eagle Pay via Tech Express - E-check, ACH Wires, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express (Window #1 - Self Service)
Campus Department Resources
Notes Receivable (Loans)
- Maintaining Promissory Notes for Perkins Loans
- Billing and Receipting Perkins, SGA, and University Loan Payments
- Conducting Exit Interviews for Graduating Students with Perkins Loans
- Processes Perkins Loan Deferments and Cancellations.