College of Business - Jesse E. Owen Chair of Excellence

Jesse E. Owen Chair of Excellence 


The Owen Chair of Excellence is one of 100 endowed chairs of excellence in Tennessee created to increase the reputation, visibility, and scholarly productivity of the state’s universities. As part of the state’s leading technological university, the Owen Chair advances the discovery and application of knowledge at the intersection of technology, analytics, behavioral science, and artificial intelligence. Building strategic partnerships across academic, business, government, and other organizations, the Owen Chair enhances the reputation of the college and university through teaching, research, service, and professional activities that involve students, faculty, and external partners.


The College of Business at Tennessee Tech University invites applications for the J. E. Owen Chair of Excellence (CoE) in Decision Science and Innovation. Candidates should have a terminal degree in business or closely related technology, behavioral science, or analytics field. The 12-month tenure-track position requires a research, teaching, and service record commensurate with an appointment as associate or full professor within one of the (major) disciplines in the college.


Essential Functions

Leadership: Foster a collaborative and innovative culture among faculty, students, academic and business leaders, and public and private organizations. Build and lead interdisciplinary teams to advance the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge in decision science and emerging technologies. Serve on the College of Business Executive Committee and take a leadership role in strategic and societally impactful initiatives drawing on the expertise and purpose of the Owen CoE.

Teaching: The Owen CoE will typically teach 9 hours annually at the undergraduate or graduate level and delivered on campus or online. Promote experiential learning opportunities, such as case competitions, internships, and industry projects, to enhance students' practical skills and career readiness.

Research: Publish high-impact research in quality journals consistent with ongoing qualification as a Scholarly Academic (SA) under AACSB accreditation standards. Other substantive intellectual contributions (e.g., presentations at conferences, externally funded research and projects, and leadership positions in professional organizations, boards, etc.) are also expected.

Service, Professional Outreach, and Community Engagement: Build and sustain interdisciplinary partnerships with other campus units and external organizations. Serve on college, university, professional committees, working groups, and boards. Expand opportunities for students, faculty, professional organizations, businesses, and society through chair-sponsored events, funded research, collaborative projects, speaking engagements, conference presentations, and training programs. Engage with the broader community through media interviews, public presentations, and reputationally-enhancing outreach activities.

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