

Biology B.S., Cellular and Molecular Biology Concentration

The Cellular and Molecular Biology concentration offers an in-depth study of the fundamental processes that govern cellular function and molecular interactions in plants and animals. This interdisciplinary program combines biology and chemistry to explore cell structure, function, and regulation, preparing students for advanced studies and research. Students in this concentration have opportunities for hands-on research population genetics, microbial biology, and plant molecular biology, gaining experience in techniques that will prepare them for a range of careers or graduate programs. 

Graduates with this concentration are well-prepared for careers in biomedical and basic research, the plant sciences, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and academia. They can work as lab technicians, research scientists, and in roles within healthcare-related industries focusing on genetic engineering, plant breeding, drug development, and molecular diagnostics.

Career Opportunities and Estimated Salaries:

  • Research Scientist in industry or academia: $50,000 - $80,000 per year
  • Plant Breeding or Plant Pathology Technician: $55,000 - $80,000 per year
  • Biomedical Research Scientist: $60,000 - $100,000 per year
  • Pharmaceutical Scientist: $70,000 - $110,000 per year
  • Biotechnology Technician: $50,000 - $70,000 per year
  • Genetic Counselor: $80,000 - $120,000 per year

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