English - Hybrid

Hybrid M.A. Program

Defining “Hybrid” at Tennessee Tech

The definition of “hybrid” can change depending on the institution. To be clear: our program is hybrid. 

Tennessee Tech’s M.A. in English combines groups of students learning face-to-face with groups of students who access the same resources online. Professors build their courses so that remote students may attend online synchronous sessions alongside in-person students meeting in our classrooms in Cookeville. 

This approach allows individuals living in remote areas or overseas to be full, participating members of graduate courses. Remote students benefit from online learning’s convenience combined with the regularity of class meetings. Students meeting in person benefit from an expanded cohort of students offering diverse experiences. 

Both cohorts experience the same close attention from professors and peers, and receive the same M.A. in English degree. 

Which option you choose is up to you.

One Key Difference: Funding

Graduate students may apply for funding. If granted an Assistantship, the student fulfills their Assistantship duties in-person on campus.  Thus, these make the most sense for in-person students. Virtual students are not eligible for an Assistantship.


Side-by-Side Comparison

Virtual Student In-Person Student

Attends classes virtually and synchronously or in-person, according to preference.

Commits to regularly attend classes in person.* 

*Only under unusual circumstances such as documented accommodations, can in-person students attend class virtually; instructor consent is also required.

Has a virtual and synchronous defense or an in-person defense, according to preference.

In-person defense.

Not eligible for Graduate Assistantship. 

Eligible for Graduate Assistantship, which must be performed in person and on campus.


Further Resources

Tuition Cost (tntech.edu)
Is an Online Master’s Degree Right for You? (idealist.org)
FAQ: Students and Education Experts Address the Online Master’s Degree (GoGrad.org)

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