Foreign Languages - About Us

About Us

Mission Statement

foreign language students talking in front of the buildingThe Department of Foreign Languages is proud to offer foreign language courses and extracurricular opportunities that prepare our students to compete in today’s global marketplace. The major in foreign languages (with concentrations in French, German or Spanish) cultivates foreign language proficiency and cultural understanding in our students to equip them for success in a wide variety of careers and for postgraduate studies. Students may also double major, earn a minor or become an International Business and Cultures (IBAC) major, a joint degree between the College of Business and the College of Arts and Sciences. The Department of Foreign Languages also offers English as a Second Language (ESL) courses to help international students who are non-native speakers of English to attain sufficient linguistic competency to be successful in ENGL 1010 and subsequent coursework at Tennessee Tech.

The Department supports study abroad experiences for majors and non-majors alike, and promotes cultural awareness through classes taught in English for non-majors. Furthermore, we organize symposia, film series, lectures and cultural events in order to foster international awareness and cultural understanding. Summing up, the ongoing mission of the Department of Foreign Languages is to play a major role in the cultural education of Tennessee Tech students through our foreign language courses and the cultural activities we offer throughout the year. By so doing, we support Tennessee Tech’s flight plan by (1) Improving the undergraduate student experience by expanding their cultural horizons; (2) Utilizing technology as tools to enhance foreign language and cultural learning; and (3) Creating distinctive programs that aim to improve our students’ marketability in today’s multicultural environment.

Our Physical Space

The Department of Foreign Languages is located on the first floor of Henderson Hall.  The main office is in Room 102. Most Foreign Language faculty offices and classrooms, as well as a student lounge/study area called the Euro Café, are conveniently located within this area.

The Euro Café provides a relaxed atmosphere for students to gather between classes. It also gives students additional opportunities to practice the languages they‘re studying through informal conversations with each other. We invite you to stop by and see our recently renovated space!

Henderson Hall

Location: Henderson Hall 102
Mailing Address:
Campus Box 5061
Cookeville, TN 38505

Fax: 931-372-6363

Chair: Dr. Martin Sheehan
Adm. Associate 3: Christina Kiger
Office Hours:
M-F 8 AM to Noon, 1 PM to 4:30 PM


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