
Center for Innovation In Teaching and Learning

August 2022

Student Centered Learning
August 2, 2022 

Student Centered Learning (SCL) is a teaching method broadly defined as a shift in the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student. In this interactive session, we will discuss how to implement student-centered learning in your courses and address both benefits and challenges of SCL. 

Portfolio Assignments
August 9, 2022

Portfolios help students participate in the process of learning while also creating a product that can be assessed as part of a course or shared with potential employers. Join us for this session on how to implement portfolio assignments in your course. 

Cognitive Load 
 August 23, 2022

Cognitive load relates to the amount of information that working memory can hold at one time. Instruction methods should avoid overwhelming students’ mental capacities and focus more on retention practices. In this session, we will discuss memory, retrieval, and overload. 

Poll Everywhere
August 30, 2022 

Poll Everywhere is an instructional technology tool that allows you to conduct formative assessments, foster student engagement through live polling, and increase the productivity of class discussions by providing an inclusive and easy-to-use discussion platform. In this session, we discuss how to increase student engagement in your classroom through using Poll Everywhere, helpful topics to get started, and more.  

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